
The Mexican Revolution

  • Mexico ready for Democracy

    Mexico ready for Democracy
    Díaz stated that Mexico was ready for democracy and elections and that he would step down to allow other candidates to compete for the presidency
  • Madero runs against Diaz

    Madero runs against Diaz
    Francisco I. Madero, stated that he would be running against Díaz for the presidency in the next election.
  • Madero is Thrown in Jail

    Madero is Thrown in Jail
    To ensure his victory, Díaz had Madero thrown in jail, then declared himself the winner.
  • Modero writes letter from Jail "free suffrage and no re-election".

    Modero writes letter from Jail "free suffrage and no re-election".
    Madero issued a "letter from jail" called the Plan de San Luis Potosí, with its main slogan Sufragio Efectivo, No re-elección ("free suffrage and no re-election").
  • Revolt against Diaz

    Revolt against Diaz
    Madero called for a revolt against Diaz
  • Francisco Madero overthrew Mexican Porfirio Díaz

    Francisco Madero overthrew Mexican Porfirio Díaz
    Francisco I. Madero overthrew longtime Mexican dictator Porfirio Díaz
  • Victoriano Huerta becomes President

    Victoriano Huerta becomes President
    Victoriano Huerta seizes power and becomes president.
  • Madero killed

    Madero  killed
    Madero was forced to resign by Victoriano Huerta. He and vice president José María Pino Suárez were both shot dead by soldiers.
  • Carranza Calls War

    Carranza Calls War
    Venustiano Carranza, a politician and rancher from Coahuila organized his own rebel army, called the Constitutionalists, with the secret support of the United States. Carranza issued the Plan de Guadalupe, which refused to recognize Huerta as president and called for war between the two factions
  • Huerta Violated his powers

    Huerta Violated his powers
    Wilson and his Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan saw Huerta as a usurper of presidential power in violation of the Constitution of Mexico
  • Huerta Stepped Down

    Huerta Stepped Down
    Huerta stepped down and fled to Puerto México
  • Venustiano Carranza became President

    Venustiano Carranza became President
    Venustiano Carranza became president in 1914, after he overthrew Huerta. He was later driven out of Mexico city but was re-elected in 1917.
  • Mexian Constitution Created

    Mexian Constitution Created
    The constitution of Mexico was passed by congress.
  • Caranza was killed

    Caranza was killed
    Plutarco Elías Calles and Adolfo de la Huerta, led a revolt against Carranza under the Plan of Agua Prieta. Their agents assassinated Carranza on May 21, 1920
  • Alvaro Obregon becomes president

    Alvaro Obregon becomes president
    Alvaro Obregon becomes president and the revolution calms down.