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Timeline of my life

  • My parents get married

    My parents get married
    My parents were married at Willistead Manor on July 23rd, 2005
  • I am born

    I am born
    In April of 2007 I was born to my loving parents Julie and Justin.
  • My brother is born

    My brother is born
    My first sibling Logan was born.
  • My youngest brother is born

    My youngest brother is born
    My little brother Ben was born when I was 5 years old.
  • I start grade school

    I start grade school
    I start my education at Sandwich West Public School.
  • I join a swim team

    I join a swim team
    I started competitive swimming for the Windsor Aquatic Club.
  • I get my first pet

    I get my first pet
    My family adopted a dog named Winnie.
  • I get my first bank account

    I get my first bank account
    My parents help me set up my own debit card and bank account.
  • I start morning practices

    I start morning practices
    I move up swim groups and start swimming two mornings a week from 5:30-7:00 AM.
  • I get braces

    I get braces
    My dentists decides I need to get braces to straighten my teeth.
  • I get my first Ipad

    I get my first Ipad
    For Christmas my parents buy me my first phone.
  • Covid

    Schools go virtual and swimming is cancelled.
  • Me and my family move houses

    Me and my family move houses
    Me and my family move from the house I grew up in to a new house.
  • I graduate grade 8

    I graduate grade 8
    I finish grade school and graduate to begin high school.
  • I go to the International Children's Games

    I go to the International Children's Games
    Me and seven people from my swim team go to England to represent Canada in the International Children's Games.
  • I have a swim meet and a test on the same day

    I have a swim meet and a test on the same day
    I have to miss school to go to a swim meet in Toronto and miss a test.
  • My grandmother passes away

    My grandmother passes away
    A few days after my birthday my grandmother Renne passes away.
  • I go to a Taylor Swift concert

    I go to a Taylor Swift concert
    Me and my mom go and see Taylor Swift in concert in Detroit.
  • I achieve honor role in grade 9 and 10

    I achieve honor role in grade 9 and 10
    My hard work towards my studies pays off and I achieve honor role.
  • I get my license

    I get my license
    In December of last year I took my in car driving test and passed!
  • I get a 70% on my math exam

    I get a 70% on my math exam
    Because of the stress of my exams and swim meets I end up getting a 70% on my exam.