The Martian Chronicles

  • Rocket Summer

    Rocket Summer
    On the date January 30th, 2015 a rocket descends into space with the objective of landing on Mars making it possible for human life to continue on Mars. As the rocket takes off it the heats from lift off brings summer to the surrounding areas.
  • Ylla

    In this chronicle, there are new names that include Ylla and Yll. Ylla, the wife of Yll exclaims she had a dream where a man came to get her and wanted to "bring her back to his homeland". Obviously Yll hearing about this misterious man is bothered by the fact Ylla wants to meet this man and is reluctant about the possibility. At the end of the chapter Ylla hears gun shots and goes to hunt in the Green Valley, but finds nothing. Ylla is determined to find this man she dreamed about.
  • The Summer Night

    The Summer Night
    In this chronicle, there is a concert type atmosphere and the woman people have gathered around to listen to sing starts singing and a strange sound comes out. The sound sounds like a foreign language. The people become confused and let down while the band starts trying to play but the same noise is coming out. Towards the end of the chronicle, thousands of screaming women awaken in the middle of the night signifying there will be a terrible thing that happens in the morning.
  • The Earth Men

    The Earth Men
    When three men from Earth land on mars, they come to a martian's home names Mrs. Ttt. Rather than showing excitement, she is bothered by their constant question asking. The three men are surprised to have actually come across martains. Mrs. Ttt sends them to Mrs. Aaa. Towards the end the man meet Mr. Lii and Xxx who firgure the captain is insane and the other men arent real. They shoot the captain in hope the other men will disappear like they are hallucinations. The name of the planet it Tyrr.
  • The Taxpayer Pages

    The Taxpayer Pages
    Just as the third expedition is about to launch, a taxpayer comes to the launch sight and yells he is a taxpayer and has the right to be going to Mars. Everyone laughs at him. The taxpayer then says there will be an Atomic war on Earth.
  • The Third Expedition

    The Third Expedition
    The men of the third expedition land on Mars, but find out it is more like Earth. While believing the prior expeditions have made Mars more "Earth like," David, one of the crew members discovers his dead grandparents. They then think they have traveled back in time to 1956 in Illinois. Another member, John begins to think the Martians are tricking them with making themselves look like dead relatives. The Martians end up killing off all 15 members.
  • And The Moon Still Be as Bright

    And The Moon Still Be as Bright
    The fourth expedition sets out to Mars only to find what is seems like the entire Martian population to have fallen to chicken pox. The crew eats quietly and upset that there are no Martians, but crew member Biggs starts acting happy and drinking with the crew to lift their spirits. Spender then says to Biggs to stop disrespecting the planet and shoots Biggs and 5 others claiming himself the last Martian. Spender dies peacfully as the crew wants to kill him.
  • The Settlers

    The Settlers
    In this chronicle, everyone has a growing interest in the expeditions to Mars. More and more people want to go to Mars to get away from something on Earth.
  • The Green Morning

    The Green Morning
    In this Chronicle, a man named Benjamin Driscoll almost passes out due to lack of ovygen on Mars. He then rides around on a motorcycle to plant seeds to grow trees. That night it begins to rain on the planet and in the morning he wakes up to thousands of trees.
  • The Locusts

    The Locusts
    The more people that visit Mars change Mars to seem more like Earth. There are now 90 thousand people on Mars and they are colonizing Mars to look like their home.
  • Night Meeting

    Night Meeting
    Thomas, one of the residents on Mars brags about the upsides of living on Mars. Thomas and his attendent stumble across and insect like martian names Muhe Ca. Muhe Ca understands English through telepathy and says that the dead Martians could be that they are in the future and their is sort of a time warp. The three get along well and say their goodbyes.
  • The Shore

    The Shore
    This chronicle describes the people coming to Mars. Two of the groups were all men from America. While back on Earth there is a war happening otheres are coming to Mars and colonizng it.
  • The Fire Balloons

    The Fire Balloons
    Father Peregrine, Stone, and Mathias are sent to Mars to try to rescue the Martians' soul and save them of their sins. Peregrine, and Stone meet the Mayor of one town on Mars and the Mayor tells them there are two different types of Martians. One is almost extinct while the others are Blue firey spheres who live in the mountains. The men search for these and almost die but are saved by these Martians. They try to save them but they say they cannot be saved because they got rid of their bodies.
  • The Interim

    The Interim
    The humans are beginning to make Mars look like an actual town on Earth. The book describes it as taking a "oz-like" twister and lifitng the town off the ground and putting it on Mars.
  • The Musicians

    The Musicians
    A group of boys rebelling against their parents hiked into a dead martian town. Knowing they will be scolded and beaten when their mothers check their shoes, they explored abandoned house after house. After awhile they mystery was not as fun and they stopped.
  • The Wilderness

    The Wilderness
    Janice and Leonora prepare to overcome their fears as they travel to Mars. Janice is very afraid but is going to Mars because her boyfriend is already on Mars. Before they take off she sends a message to her boyfriend on Mars but the only word that goes through is "Love".
  • The Naming of Names

    The Naming of Names
    Humans are deeply ridiculed in this chronicle. They are portrayed to be adapting Mars to them rather than adapting to Mars. All the names of towns and landmarks are from siginifcant events in colonizing Mars. Such as red town where the Humans murdered Martians.
  • Usher II

    Usher II
    William Stendalh plans to build a house on Mars that singinifes everything that the government is against. Stendalh wants his house to resemble Edgar Allen Poe's stories and themes. When the investigators come to tell Stendalh to get rid of his house he kills everyone who comes with a robotic ape. Then, the real investigator Garrett comes where Stendalh traps him in the basement and escapes on a helicopter. All killings resembled an Edgar Allen Poe story.
  • The Old Ones

    The Old Ones
    Bradbury describes the old people coming to Mars as usueless because the younger people led the way to Mars. It is set up like this so the old people can follow in the footsteps of the younger generation.
  • The Martian

    The Martian
    The LaFarge couple reminisce on their time on Earth with their son, Tom, before he died. Moments later, Tom appears on their doorstep and Mrs. LaFarge says they should go to town but Tom is reluctant. Tom disappears in town and the father says it is fine. At 11, he goes to look for Tom but finds a friend from Earth who says the same thing happened to him. The father sees Tom in girl form and everyone rushes at the Martian who can change his face calling him names his face melts.
  • The Luggage Store

    The Luggage Store
    The owner of a Luggage store hears that Earth will soon erupt into an Atomic war. Father Peregrine says it is because he is on Earth and the two watch the stars on the store's front porch. Peregrine then says people will soon be in his store with a desire to go home and see their loved ones before the war breaks out.
  • The Watchers

    The Watchers
    The Mars residents watch as Earth explodes. Then said through morse code, Austrailia's Atomic stockpile exploded on accident andn Los Angeles and London were bomed. Everyone rushes the Luggage store to get items and the store is cleaned out by morning.
  • The Offseason

    The Offseason
    Sam Parkill runs a hot dog stand when a Martian comes up to him. Sam sees a tube on the Martian thinking it is a gun shoots him. Sam then realizes it was not a gun but a tube with a message inside. Sam sees Martain Sand ships coming and tries to run away but cannot. When they catch up to Sam he pleades he did not mean to kill the Martain. They grant him ownership of half of Mars and tells him to go back to his stand an be ready. Sam that night sees Earth Explode with his wife by his side.
  • The Silent Towns

    The Silent Towns
    Walter Gripp travels to a Martian village to find that everyone has went back to Earth. Gripp hears a phone ringing and answers it hoping it is a woman. The line cuts off and Walter is enraged. He begins to call any number in hope of finding a woman and Genevieve answers. They fall in love and meet each other where Genevieve shows him her wedding dress. Walter runs away in terror.
  • The Long Years

    The Long Years
    From the 4th Expedition, Hathaway is with his family when he lights a city on fire to signal an overpassing rocket. The rocket is guided by Captain Wilder who exclaims he hasn't seen anyone on his excursion to other planets other than Walter Gripp. Hathway has dinner with Wilder and he notices Hathaway's family looks identical to what they looked like years ago. Hathaway then dies to a heart attack and his robot wife and kids arent sympathetic due to Hathaway not giving them a sense of sadness
  • There Will Come Soft Rains

    There Will Come Soft Rains
    There is a electronic house similar to the Disney movie's Smart House. There is no one living in it due to Mars abandonment. It still functions, as there are people in it. A sick dog shoes up, then the house lets it in and it dies. That night a storm knocks a tree onto it and only one wall stands. The wall repreats "Today is August 5th 2057".
  • The Million-Year Panic

    The Million-Year Panic
    William Thomas leads his family to Mars. The son of the Thomas family says he can tell something is wrong. The father exclaims this is there new home and destroys anything that reminds them of Earth. The Edwards family could follow, but for now it is just them on Mars. When the children of the family ask to see the Martains, Williams points to their reflection in a pond and says, "There they are."