Manhattan project emblem 4

The Manhattan Project

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    -The Theory of Nuclear Fission was released by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch
    -When a heavy nucleus splits spontaneously
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    Early 1939

    Early 1939
    Physicist Robert Oppenheimer announces the potential military power that would come from utilizing nuclear fission
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    -President Roosevelt began to form the Manhattan project in response to rumors of Hitler working on nuclear weapons.
    -Einstein Writes president Roosevelt denoting the use of uranium for a source of energy and warning him about potential destructive power
    -Started with the Advisory Committee of Uranium (ACU) which consisted of scientists and military officials
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    -Name was changed to National Defense Research Committee
    -Government began funding Columbia University physicists Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard’s research of radioactive isotope separation and nuclear chain reactions.
    -Einstein denied work clearance for being a pacifist. The military officials believed he would be a liability.
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    -Plutonium was discovered via deuteron bombardment of uranium
    -Named changed to Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)
    -Enrico Fermi officially became a member of the OSRD
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    December 1941

    December 1941
    America joins second world war
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    Early 1942

    Early 1942
    -Becomes a military agenda, with the Army Corps of Engineers joining the OSRD
    -Based out of New York it was dubbed the Manhattan Project
    -Set up remote locations in Washington, New Mexico, and -Tennessee.
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    Late 1942

    Late 1942
    -Army builds plutonium production plants to transmute Uranium-238 into Uranium-239, which rapidly decays into Plutonium
    -Enrico Fermi achieves first controlled nuclear fission reaction
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    -Development of fission cannon utilizing plutonium began.
    -Oppenheimer realized using high concentrations of plutonium in a cannon would lead to premature detonation and opted for an implosion design (The Fat Man)
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    -April 12th FDR dies and Truman takes over presidency as well as the Manhattan Project
    -July 13th, the first nuclear detonation test took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico
    -August 6th, Hiroshima was hit with "Little Boy" killing between 69,000 and 170,00 people
    -August 9th, Nagasaki was hit with "Fat Man" killing between 39,000 and 75,000 people
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    -The Atomic Energy Committee (AEC) was establish after WW2 in order to regulate atomic energy, to insure something like Hiroshima or Nagasaki doesn't happen again.
    - The formed the Atomic Energy Act, which stating that atomic energy should only be used for "peaceful purposes".
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    -The Manhattan Project was abolished
    -OSRD and NDRC rolls were transferred to the Department of Defense