the man behind the macabre: Edgar Allan Poe

  • Edgar Allan Poe born

    Edgar was born in Massachusetts on January 19, 1809.
  • Period: to

    Life span of Edgar Allan Poe

    Poe was a famous American author who lead a very tragic and twisted life that ultimately influenced his writing.
  • Father abandons family

    When Poe was a year old his father left the family which began Poe's issues with men.
  • Edgar's mother

    His mother was ill with tuberculosis and she suffered from it and then she died.
  • Foster mother dies

    Poe's foster mother dies from tuberculosis , Frances Allen. Him and his foster mom were very close .
  • Marries Virginia

    Poe marries his 13 year old cousin, Virginia.
  • Virginia dies

    Virginia dies from suffering from tuberculosis and it causes Poe to go into an alcoholic phase.
  • Poe's engagement to the poet

    Edgar engaged to Sarah Helen to try to stop drinking but he couldn't do it and he called it off.
  • Engages again

    He engages to Elmira when he moved back to Richmond .
  • Edgar dies

    He is found unconsciousness in Baltimore . His death is unknown .