The man behind the Macabre: Edgar Allan Poe

  • Period: to

    Life span of Edgar Allen Poe

    Poe was a famous American author who live a very tragic and twisted life that ultimately influenced his writing.
  • Father abandons family

    When Poe war a year old his father left the family which began Poe's issues with men.
  • Mothers Death

    Poe's mother Elizabeth Arnold was diagnosed with Tb (tuberculosis)
    and passed away when he was only 2 which affected him tremendously.
  • Adoption

    After his mothers death Edgar and his sister and brother were separated between foster homes and he was adopted by John and Frances Allan
  • First love

    Poe was in love with his friends mother Jane Stith Craig Stanard when he was only 15 she was later diagnosed with brain cancer and later died.
  • boarding school

    When Poe's foster mother was diagnosed with tuberculosis his foster father started having many affairs and when Poe found out his father sent him to a very bad boarding school.
  • Dept

    When Poe was in boarding school he dint have any money and his foster father would not send him any money and he began gambling and ended up in $2000 in dept.
  • Army

    He joined the army when he was 18 so he wouldn't haft to pay off his dept.
  • Foster mothers death

    Poe's foster mother died became very ill with tuberculosis and ended up dying in 1829
  • wife/cousin

    Poe feel in love with his first cousin Virginia when she was only 12 and they later got married and moved to New York.
  • Wife's death

    Poe's wife Virginia had tuberculosis for many years and ended up dying.
  • Affairs

    After his first wife death Poe started having multiple relationships and had a drinking problem
  • Death

    Poe when missing for a while and later on he was found on the side of the street semi-conscious in someone else clothing and was taken to the hospital and woke up and died.