The Making of the Modern World

  • Period: to

    Slavery Era

  • Period: to

    The Making of the Modern World

  • Invention of Steam Engine

    Invention of Steam Engine
    The Steam engine was invented in 1769. This was a great help to many countries, it helped transport many types of good and produce.
  • Europe Controls Most of Globe

    Europe Controls Most of Globe
    Until 1776 Europe controled most of the globe until they lost it to continents wanting independence, still they control a great share of the globe. (Europe, Australia, Canada)
  • USA Achieves Independence

    USA Achieves Independence
    On the 4 of July 1776 USA gained independence of the European. They were a continent of their own, until now the United States still celebrate their victory of independence on this very same day.
  • Convicts Are Sent to Australia To Colonise

    Convicts Are Sent to Australia To Colonise
    During the 17 hundreds, thousands of convicts were sent to australia to colonise and build, houses, buildings and also to farm.This is were our country started off.
  • Invention of Cotton Gin

    Invention of Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin is a machine/ tool that seperates seed from fibre. It was extremely useful in the 18th and 19th Centuries as cotton was a great source of trade and material.
  • Invention of Photography

    Invention of Photography
    This was when the first photographic camera was invented, it was such a great invention as it allowed us to capture still images. The "Camera" has been evolved in such ways imaginable.
  • Factory Acts

    Factory Acts
    The factory acts were a set of rules, employers had to follow, it was that:
    1. Any child between the age of 13 and 18 cannot be employed for more than 12 hour shifts and must have a 1 and half hour break for meals.
    2. Any child from the age of 9 to 13 musnt be employed for more than 9 hour shifts.
    3. From 8:30pm - 5:30am all employment of such type was prohibited.
  • Slavery Ends in the US

    Slavery Ends in the US
    During 1863 Slavery was halted and was pronounced as illegal, this was a complete victory for freedom by the black people.
  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    The Suez canal is a tade line/ waterway running through Egypt stating at the red sea and ending at the medeteranian (vice-versa)
  • Australia Achieves Federation

    Australia Achieves Federation
    Australia achieved federation in 1901, when Edmund Barton became our first prime minister. Australia was in control of itself, the people were now in control.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The panama canal is a 48 mile waterway that starts at the pacific ocean and leads into the atlantic (vice-versa) running through Panama. Used for trade.
  • WWI Starts

    WWI Starts
    WWI was one of the most devistating wars coming second to WW2 it was centered in Europe and was a fight over possetion of land and contol.