The Making of the Modern World

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • First fleet arrives at Botany Bay

    First fleet arrives at Botany Bay
    When Captain Aurthur Phillip arrived with the first fleet, what followed was a tremendoustly hard few years, as the collony faced homesickness, lack of provisions and fruitless farming projects. Despite these dificulties, the collony survived, and formed the nation Australia is today.
  • First fleet move north to Port Jackson

    This decision, although small at the time, determened where the city of sydney is today; it could just have easily been further south of its current position. Govenor Phillip deemed it a more suitible place for settlement than Botany Bay.
  • Van Diemens Land first settled

  • Perth established

  • Melbourne established

  • Adelade established

  • The Hutchins School first established

    The Hutchins School first established
  • Gold Rush starts

    Gold Rush starts
    The discovery of gold in Victoria brought in a huge number of gold prospectors, who in turn boosted the population and economy of a then small state by a huge amount. without it, Australia's population would most likely be a lot smaller.
  • Eureka Stockade

    Eureka Stockade
    The rebellion of the gold prospectors in Victoria was surprisingly a big step towards democracy in Australia. The huge tax on prospectors at the time was far to great providing the little gold that they were finding, and so a revolt sparked and cumulated with this conflict.
  • Van Diemens Land becomes Tasmania

  • Holden first emerges

    Holden first emerges
    When Holden first emmerged, it was just a small saddelry company, and it didn't start producing cars untill the 1920s. Nevertheless, this iconic brand is distinctly Aussie, and we are all proud of it.
  • First set of rules for Australian Rules Football drawn up

    First set of rules for Australian Rules Football drawn up
    Despite these first set of rules only consisting of 10 simple gidelines, it was the first real sport that Australia could call its own. looking back from now, when the AFL is so big all over the country, it just highlights how significant this sport is to Australians.
  • patent for telephone granted

  • Ned Kelly hung

    Ned Kelly hung
    When Ned Kellly was hung, there was a surprising amount of public outrcry. It's amazing that even back then people could see him as an icon, and now the famous makeshift helmet is just that. Kelly was definantly one of the prominent figures that shaped Australia's identity.
  • Banjo Paterston writes 'Waltzing Matilda'

  • Period: to

    Boer War

    This was the fist major war that Australia fought in, and it occured at the time when we were just becoming a nation. Although only a small war compared with World War I and II, many young Australians still lost their lives in conflict.
  • Federation

    When Australia became a nation, it was a huge leap in our history. Before this, we were still technically part of the Brittish empire, and the forming of a National government is remembered every Australia day.
  • ACT established

  • Period: to

    World War I

    A huge war for all contries involved, it was devestating for all the Young Australians and their families involved. Only a young nation when it broke out, the ANZAC ledgend that came out of it told of utmost courage and honour in batlle from the Australian and New Zealand troops.
  • ANZACs land at Gallipoli

    ANZACs land at Gallipoli
    When the Australian and New Zealand forces landed at gallipoli, it was only 15 years after federation, and Australia was only young as a nation. The following eight months proved a horrific waste of young lives, but it showed the world the bravery of Australian troops, and earned the respect of other countries.