Anglo-Saxon invasion on Britain
Period: 450 to
The fall of the Roman Empire
May 7, 700
Beowulf Was Made
May 7, 1066
Norman Invasion of Britain
May 7, 1343
Birth of Goffrey Caucer, the Poet
May 7, 1386
Canterbury Tales Publication - Geoffrey Chaucer
May 7, 1400
Death of Geoffrey Chaucer
May 7, 1509
Reign of King Henry VII
May 7, 1547
End of Reign of King Henry
May 7, 1558
Reign of Queen Elizabeth I
May 7, 1564
Birth of Shakespeare
Romeo and Juilet first Performance
First print of Romeo and Juliet
End of Reign of Queen Elizabeth
Reign of James I
First English Dictionary
Death of William Shakespeare
First Webster Dictionary