Battle of Britain
From August 1940 to October 1940 Hitler and the Nazis bombarded Britist shipyards, industries, and cities in Britain. Germany wanted control of the skies over Britain and the English channel. Britain's victory saved them from ground invasion and possible occupation by German forces. -
Operation Barbarossa
One June 22nd 1941 the Nazis made a surprise attack on their allies Russia. Germany wanted "living space" and the resources of the giant country Russia. After this attack, Russia became allies with Great Britain and the US "When the attack on Russia starts, the world will hold its breath" -Adolf Hitler -
Pearl Harbor
"A day that will live in infamy"
At 7:55 on December 7th, 1941, Pearl Harbor, on the island of Oahu, a terriotory of the United States, was bombed by Japan. Pearl Harbor is a US military naval base. Japan was upset that the US had stopped trade with them and froze their assets in US banks. Because of these events, the United States declared war on Japan. -
Bataan Death March
In Bataan, Filipino POWs were force to march to Bataan while being beaten, bayoneted, and mistreated. Japanese soldiers captured so many POWs they didnt know what to do with them. Many died in this march, hence the Bataan DEATH march. "I shall return"-General Douglas Macarther -
Operation Overlord- D-Day
On June 6th, 1944, General Eisenhower, British, Canadian, and Russian forces attacked German forces on the coast of Normandy, France. Germany invaded France but the Allies were able to slow them down so they attacked. France was freed from German control after. -
Battle of Bulge
In Belgium, Germany launched a major attack on US shipping lines. Germany wanted to launch a large battle to try and win the war even though they were becoming the underdog. This was the last major attack from the Nazis. -
Yalta Conference
From February 4-11, in Yalta, Ukraine, FDR, Winston Churchhill, and Joseph Stalin met to discuss post war reorganization. They wanted to discuss the future of Germany. United Nations was founded. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
On February 9th, 1945, in Iwo Jima, Japan the US thought their bombers killed the Japanese on Iwo Jima but they were hiding in the bunkers and ambushed them. The Americans wanted to get the islands before going for Japan. Iwo Jima was a stepping stone until Japan. Fighter pilots going to Japan from the US can fuel up at the Iwo Jima fueling station. -
V-E Day
On May 7th, 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allies. Germany realized they were going to lose the war so they surrendered. The war in Europe was over. -
Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
On August 6th, 1945, the atomic bomb Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. On August 9th, 1945, the atomic bomb Fat Man was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. The US wanted to end WW2. 150,000 were killed in Hiroshima and 75,000 were killed in Nagasaki. Japan surrendered. -
V-J Day
Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945. The bombings killed many people, the govenment surrendered to stop the bombing. WW2 in the Pacific ended.