The main events of the Second World War

  • The Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Both Germany and the USSR commit to benevolent neutrality towards each other and outlined the spheres of interest of both powers in Easter Europe, the Baltic states and Bessaravia in Romania would go to the USSR and Poland would be shared between Germans and Soviets.
  • The start of WWII

    Germany invades Poland, so Britain and France declare war against them on September 3rd
  • USSR invades eastern Poland

    They did as they had agreed on the Nazi-Soviet Pact
  • Germany defeats France and invades the Soviet Union

    Germany now dominates Europe, so the USSR proceeds to annex the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) to then annex Bessoravia and northern Bukovia from Rumania.
    After this, the nazis invade the Soviet Union making the last mentioned form an alliance with Britain against Germany, this will later be the Grand Alliance after the US joins.
  • D-Day

    The US and Britain help the USSR by opening a second front in Normandy, northern France
  • The Grand Alliance is formed

    After the D-Day where the US and Britain help the USSR, they become allies (the Grand Alliance)
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and the US joins the war

    After Japan's attack on the naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the US joins the war and declares war against Japan.
  • Germany and Italy declare war against the US

    After the US declared war against Japan, which is an axis power, Germany and Italy declare war against the United States.
  • The ministers' meeting at Moscow

    The ministers of the US, USSR and Britain met in order to review and seek a middle ground for the conflicting ambitions of each state.
  • Period: to

    Liberation of Italy and Greece

    The US, Britain and their allies liberate Italy and Greece
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    Tehran Conference

    Churchill, FDR and Stalin meet for the first time to discuss post-war Europe, the future organization of the United Nations and the fate of Germany. The key decision was to land British, Commonwealth and US troops in France, also ensuring that the USSR would liberate South East and Easter Europe with no help and thus turning the region towards the Soviet sphere of interest.
    Stalin stated that the USSR would claim all territories annexed from Poland and the Baltic states in 1939-40
  • Churchill-Stalin meeting

    Churchill flew to Moscow with intentions of protecting the British interests in the Mediterranean (Greece) and proposed a division of southern eastern Europe into distinct spheres of interest, leaving Greece for Britain. However, he quietly dropped the agreement after realizing the unpleasant reaction Roosevelt would have and that it may create tension in the Anglo-US alliance.
  • The Warsaw Uprising

    The Polish Home Army rose against the Germans in Warsaw in an attempt to seize control of Poland before the Red Army (USSR) could overrun the whole country, trying to prevent a communist government in Poland, but it failed and instead led to an easier path for Stalin to enforce his policy in the country.
  • Liberation of Finland, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria

    USSR claims the territories and liberates them from the axis powers
  • Period: to

    Liberation of Hungary and Czechoslovakia

    USSR liberates Hungary and Czechoslovakia
  • Period: to

    Military aid to Yugoslavia

    USSR gives military aid to yugoslavia
  • Period: to

    Liberation of France and Western Europe

    The US, Britain and their allies liberate France and the rest of Western Europe
  • German attack to the USSR

    The USSR suffered German attacks and they effectively defeat the German army but in return they endure an immense physical damage and massive amount of 25 million casualties.
  • End of the Second World War in Europe

    Germany surrenders, Anglo-American forces occupy nearly half of the territory that was to be the Soviet-zone. This troops are withdrawn in July into the US and British zones
  • The Second World War ends