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The Main Events of My Life

  • Born

    to Glenn and Bette Faber, the youngest of 3 daughters.
  • Started school

    and learned to read. A life long love of books began.
  • Missy Moved

    My best friend and neighbor, Missy Van Solkema, who I played with constantly, moved out to her new cottage for the summer. I didn't know what to do with myself. I missed her terribly and was lonely, but I was forced to make new friendships and that was a good thing.
  • Brian

    In my sophomore year at South Christian High School, I met a boy named Brian Bolt on my intramural football team. 7 years later, he would become my husband.
  • Period: to

    Calvin College

    got a Bachelor's Degree in English, Secondary Education
  • Germany

    spent 6 weeks travelling throughout Germany with a group from college. My third love was born: travel!
  • Marriage!

    to my high school sweetheart and best friend, Brian Bolt
  • Period: to

    Graduation and North Carolina

    In May, my formal education ended. In August, Brian and I moved to Chapel Hill, NC for him to attend graduate school at UNC. In September, I started my first teaching job at Frank Porter Graham Elementary School.
  • Grace Mary

    My first daughter entered the world and changed my life forever!
  • Virginia!

    Three weeks after having a baby, we packed up all our possessions and moved to Roanoke, VA for my hubby to teach at Roanoke College.
  • Maria Rose

    was born in Roanoke, VA at 9:16 am!
  • George Richard

    was born in Roanoke, VA at 12:05pm!
  • Return to MI

    After 13 years of living in the South, we moved back to cold and snowy Michigan for my hubby to take a job at Calvin College.