Period: to
The Lying Game
the Video
Emmas Step brother found a video on the internet and told her parents when it really wasnt even Emma. Emma got in so much trouble. -
Emma started talking to Sutton
After the video Emmma went looking to see who it actually was cause she knowns it wasnt her. Thats were Emma met Sutton. They started talking over facebook. -
Meeting up
Emma and Sutton were suppose to meet for the first. they had a spot to meet witch was a coffe shop. Sutton didnt shop up at all. -
Bad Prank
Suttons friends pulled a prank on Emma, while thinking it was sutton. Emma got masked and pulled into a van just to relsize it was Sutton friends. -
the note
a new town for emma. it was the first day back to school. Emma and Suttons sister where heading to the car when Emma seen a not on the car window saying Sutton. Emma opened it and it said "Suttons dead, tell anyone and your next." -
Emma went to the cop station when she got to school. She tried to tell them everything she ever pulled up the site where the video was found. But the site said no match found. The cops call Sutton "The Girl Who Cied Baby in Dumpster" -
Suttons boyfriend and now Emma has to predent Garrett and her are dating she now has to kiss him and hang out with him. -
the Call
Emmas friend named Alex called her asking how everthing was. Emma wanted to tell him everything but she couldnt so she had to lie to him. -
the lying game
a girl named Nisha got a prank pulled on her with blood and everything. She was the first person of the school year to get the lying game started. -
Never have I ever
Emma found out a lot about Sutton and when ever they did something. they had to drink by the end of the night Emma had to drink a lot becuase Sutton did a lot of stuff. -
Power Out
The power went out in the Mercers house. Emma and her friends where in Emmas room when someone knocked on the door, the girls screamed. -
the Birthday
It was the twins birthday and Sutton is still dead and Emma now has to Celebrate there birthday. Sutton had a big party planed out for her sixteenth birthday and Emma is no Going to it instead of Sutton.