
The Lost Generation- Jordan Marbry

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    John J. Pershing

    John Joseph Pershing: was the general of the United States Army who led the American Expeditionary Forces to victory over Germany in World War 1
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    Glenn Curtiss

    Glenn Hammond Curtiss: American aviation pioneer and founder of the U.S. aircraft industry; began as a biker racer and builder before moveing on to motorcycles; in early 1904 he began to manufacture engines for aircrafts
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    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Commonly known as FDR; American statesman and political leader; elected 32nd president in 1933; only president to be elected 4 times; stricken with polio in 1921
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    Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr.; Jamaican political leader, publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator
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    Alvin York

    Alvin Cullum York: one of the most decorated American soldiers in World War ; a blacksmith drafted into the army during WW1; served in 82nd Infantry Division- took command and captured 132 German soldiers
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    Dorothea Lange

    Dorothea Lange: influential Americandocumentary photographer and photojournalist; best known for her work during the Depression in the FSA
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    Jazz Music

    Jazz Music: a genre of music that originated in African-American communities during the late 19th and early 20th century
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    Lanston Hughes

    James Mercer Langston Hughes: American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist; one of the earliest innovators of literary art called jazz poetry
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    Charles Lindbergh

    Charles Augustus Linbergh: nickname is Slim, Lucky, Lindy; American aviator, author, inventor, explorer, and social activist
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    The Great Migration

    The movement of 6 million African Americans from the South to the Northeast, Midwest, and West of the United States
  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    This was a promise made during World War 1 by Germany to the United States; this was a policy set for unrestricted warfare
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    The Battle of the Argonne Forest

  • Treaty of Verasilles

    Treaty of Verasilles
    a peace treaty at the end of World War 1; ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers; signed exactly 5 years after the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
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    "Return to Normalcy"

    This was a return to the way of life before World War 1
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    a long period of recession where the economy is down and banks have crashed
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    Dust Bowl

    An area of land where vegetation has been lost and soil reduced to dust and eroded; people would inhale the dust and mud that was in the air and would end up coughing it up
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    Harlem Renissance

    This is an era where arts, social, and culture exploded between the end of World War 1 and the 1930s; this "Harlem" was centered around the arts
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    Series of domestic programs enacted in the US between 1933- 1938; include both laws passed by Congress as well as President Franklin D. Roosevelt's orders
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    Red Scare

    this is a promotion of fear among the people due to the rise of communism