
The Lord of the Flies

  • Chapter 1

    Chapter 1
    Piggy finds a conch and gives it to Ralph to blow into.
  • Chapter 2

    Chapter 2
    The boys start a fire for a signal, but it goes crazy because they don't have a plan to contain it.
  • Chapter 3

    Chapter 3
    Jack creeps up on a pig and throws his spear at a pig but he misses.
  • Chapter 4

    Chapter 4
    Jack and his hunters kill a pig, but they let the fire go out.
  • Chapter 5

    Chapter 5
    Ralph held an assembly about the camp needing to be clean, people helping out, and the hunters doing more than just going out in the woods and occasionally coming back with a pig.
  • Chapter 6

    Chapter 6
    SamnEric believe they saw the beast with wings come from the sky and land in the forest. It was just a dead fighter pilot with his parachute out.
  • Chapter 7

    Chapter 7
    Ralph, Jack, Simon, and Rodger climb up the mountain to see if they can find the beast.
  • Chapter 8

    Chapter 8
    The Lord of the Flies tells Simon that the beast inside the boys will soon take over them and then the real fun will begin.
  • Chapter 11

    Chapter 11
    Roger drops a boulder on Piggy's head and he falls 40 feet to his death.
  • Chapter 12

    Chapter 12
    Ralph is saved by a Navy Officer who saw the fire, and he takes the boys.
  • Chapter 9

    Chapter 9
    Simon shows up at the fire but the boys think he is the beast and kill him.
  • Chapter 10

    Chapter 10
    Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric decided that they were not part of killing Simon and that they had left.