The Light Bulb

  • Humphry Davy

    Humphry Davy
    Humphry Davy invented an electricc light. He some wire to a battery and some carbon and the carbon glowed. It was to bright for every day use and did note last.
  • Period: to

    Light Bulb

  • Edison starts thinking

    Edison starts thinking
    Edison starts doing hard reasearch to devolp a incandecant lamp. In 1887 he got a pattent for a immproved electric light, but he kept trying to make it better. in 1879 he got another patent for an elecctric light using a carbon filamant.
  • Edison invents the light bulb

    Edison invents the light bulb
    Tommas Eddison invented the first long-lasting electric light. He started manufacturing in 1180 (Edison Electric Light Company). He got a patent the day it was made. He was an American and was a buisness man as well as an inventor. He was born on Febuary 11, 1849. He had six siblings. Quote: "I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that didn't work.
  • The Frosted light bulb

    The Frosted light bulb
    The first frosted light bulb is made and are adjusted for headlamps.
  • The 'soft light'

    The 'soft light'
    The first incandescent bulb, 'soft light', is inventted. It was good for lightiing small areas. It wan't alot of money.
  • The Fluorecent bulb

    The Fluorecent bulb
    Fluorescent bulbs and long life light bulbs make their first apperance.