Kesha Scherrie Bass
Born August 9, 1980
7lbs 6oz 21in
Akron City Hospital -
Period: to
Birth to Death
Period: to
Infancy Birth to 2 yrs
SocIetal: Making Sounds
Around 6-7 months I started cooing, clapping to music, and babbling,
Biosocial: Walking
Around 10 months I took my first step and by 11 months I had stride.
Around age 1 I had seperation anxiety. I didn't like being around strangers. I wouldnt sit on the Easter Bunny or Santa's lap.
Societal: Talking
Between 1 and 2 years of age I began responding to people talking to me, saying my name and others around me. -
Infancy-Trust vs Mistrust
CrIed wIth strangers, easter bunny, and santa claus. -
Early Childhood - Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt
I was easIly embarrassed, very emotIonal, and sensItIve. -
Period: to
My psychosocial playtime was playing by myself because I was an only child, I had an imaginary friend named Cherry. I watched Sesame Street and Romper Room and would always say, "I see Kesha." I didnt understand why she never said my name, I thought she could see me. I had self-recognition and wanted to be more independent. I'm 2 1/2 years old and able to speak clearly and in complete sentences, I can answer all basic questions. At 3 I can ride my big wheel alone. Biosocial -
Period: to
Early School Age
Societal: I was taught all the basic preschooling at home. I did a lot of doodling of trees, my family,and houses. I grew up in a young family so every family member had a part in preparing me for school. Psychosocial; Entering Kindergarden I cried for the first hour wanting to go home. I had a pop belly, wet my pants at nap time, and had my dress lifted at playtime by a boy. All 3 domains Biosocial, Psychosocial, and Cognitive -
Preschool - Initiative vs Guilt
I had my dress lIfted and wet my pants durIng nap tIme. I dId role play durIng playtIme as well -
Period: to
Middle Childhood
1st grade I learned to write my name, create sentences, and simple math. I met my best friend at 8 yrs old. At 11, I got on the track team and had a secret boyfriend. Psychosocial: Personality -
Elementary School - Industry vs Inferiority
I always wanted to know more, loved responsIbIlIty, very observatIve, and eager to know more about everythIng. I was a crossIng guard, honor roll student, and track hIgh jump champIon. -
Elementary GraduatIon
I had matured mentally and was ready to leave elementary and start mIddle school -
Middle & High School Group - Identity vs Alienation
FIrst fIght In gIrls locker room. I was In the ”popular crowd” and dated the new, bad, older boys. -
Period: to
Early and Middle Adolescence
Biosocial: Puberty Societal: Thinking and Psychosocial
End of grade 6 I started my period. My body changed, grew larger breast. I thought intuitively, which I still follow today. I began lying, sneaking, and wanting to be viewed as well as treated like an adult. I had a serious boyfriend, which is why I combined all domains in this stage. I got into my physical appearance. My curiousity about sex began, sexual attraction, feelings of love, and lost my virginity. Graduated high school. -
First Job
I was a 15 yr old cashIer, I was paId under the table. -
Graduated High School
Scared to enter Into adulthood and feared losIng my frIends. Broken 4 year bond wIth classmates. AntIcIpated movIng out. -
Period: to
Later Adolescence
During this time a lot of changes took place, I got engaged right after high school, gained and lost friends, cohabitated, went to college, dropped out, got maried, and separated. Constant job and college changing. -
College - Intimacy vs Isolation
I was very IntImate socIally and physIcally. -
StIll my best frIend. -
Career - Generativity vs Stagnation
MappIng out, revIsIng, securIng, and sealIng my future. -
Period: to
Early Adulthood
My son passed, which lead to depression, and ended in divorce. Remarried 9/18/10. Graduate from college. Move to Columbus in search of career placement as an EMT. After being comfortable in my role I decide to go back to cosmetology school and obtain my license. -
Back In love. -
Period: to
Middle Adulthood
Its 2016, I have my managers license in cosmetology and open a salon. By 2020 a second location in North Carolina where I soon build a home and settle. Shortly after, I have a child, stop working as an EMT to be a full time mother. In 2030 I become a silent partner in my spouses business. After my child graduates high school, things slow down and I open a non-profit safe house for families. I still have my salons, but I'm less active with them. I walk often and vacation regularly. -
Period: to
Later Adulthood
Im a proud grandmother of two. I sold my salon in Columbus and invested in a few small businesses. I signed my safe house over to my only child. My mother passed at 82 in 2045 of natural causes. After I went through a deep depression and begun to make the proper arrangements for my death. 2046 I found out I have a heart condition, I immediately throw myself into a need to complete myself and traveling with my spouse. My spouse dies 1/1/55. I become loss and filled with emptiness and die 8/6/55. -
Retirement Years - Integrity vs Despair
TakIng the tIme to reflect and see all my hard work, love, and dedIcatIon pay off. -
Death Immortality vs Extinction
Couldnt bare lIvIng wIthout the love of my lIfe. Lonely and broken hearted.