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The Life Stages of Genevieve

  • Identity vs. Role Confusion

    Identity vs. Role Confusion
    Genevieve (age 14) has been hanging out with a new, older group of friends from school. They are different than her normal group of friends. This crisis causes her to live out a different role that helps her find herself and learn what she wants and values in life(identity). If she cannot handle the stressors that come from hanging out in a more mature setting, she can create identity conflict within herself (confusion).
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Intimacy vs Isolation
    Genevieve (age 24) is finishing up her senior year in college. She meets Andre and a relationship blooms. The crisis in this stage is the ability to share identities on an intimate level (intimacy) and commit to healthy, meaningful relationships. The opposite would be not being able to commit to relationships due to unresolved identity issues in the previous stage of development (isolation).
  • Generativity vs Stagnation

    Generativity vs Stagnation
    Genevieve (age 45) is preparing the final touches for her Annual Community Thanksgiving Feast. She had been serving her community for 10 years. In this crisis, she has found success and happiness in giving back to her community by serving those in need (generativity). If she wasn't such an active member in her community, she may start to feel disconnected (stagnation).