The Life of William Shakespeare

By s1844
  • 1558

    Queen Elizabeth l Takes the Throne

    Queen Elizabeth l Takes the Throne
    Elizabeth l succeeds her step-sister, Queen Mary, to the throne after Mary passes away.
  • Apr 23, 1564

    Shakepeare in Born

    Shakepeare in Born
    William Shakespeare is born in Stratford-upon-Avon.
  • Apr 26, 1564

    Shakepeare is Baptized

    Shakepeare is Baptized
    Three days after his birth, Shakespeare is baptized in the Holy Trinity Church of Stratford-upon-Avon
  • 1571

    Shakespeare Starts School

    Shakespeare Starts School
    At the age of seven, William Shakespeare started school where he learned to read, speak, and write in Latin.
  • 1579

    Shakespeare Leaves School

    Shakespeare Leaves School
    Just eight years after starting his education, Shakespeare leaves school at 15 years of age.
  • Shakespeare Marries

    Shakespeare Marries
    At the age of 18 years old, Shakespeare marries a woman named Anne Hathaway.
  • Shakespeare Acts for the Queen

    Shakespeare Acts for the Queen
    Queen Elizabeth of England took a liking into theater and attended performances at court. She then had Queen Elizabeth's Men formed, whom Shakespeare wrote for and acted for.
  • Shakespeare's First Child is Born

    Shakespeare's First Child is Born
    The reason for Shakespeare's early marriage is shown six months after the marriage, when Anne Hathaway gives birth to a baby girl named Suzanna.
  • Two More Children are Born

    Two More Children are Born
    Anne Hathaway gives birth again two years later, this time to twins named Hamnet and Judith.
  • Shakespeare moves to London

    Shakespeare moves to London
    Shakespeare moves away from his family and home to work in London, 110 miles away from Stratford-upon-Avon.
  • Shakespeare's First Play

    Shakespeare's First Play
    Shakespeare's first play, Henry Vl Part l, is written and shown to the public. It is set during the lifetime of King Henry Vl of England.
  • Shakespeare Publishes First Poem

    Shakespeare Publishes First Poem
    Shakespeare publishes his first poem, titled "Venus and Adonis."
  • Tragedy Strikes

    Tragedy Strikes
    Shakespeare and his wife, Anne, suffer great loss as their only son, Hamnet, dies of unknown causes at 11 years old.
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    Sometime in May, Shakespeare purchases New Place, the second-largest house in Stratford.
  • The Globe is Built

    The Globe is Built
    The Globe, a wooden theater in London, was built by the Chamberlain Men. One of the first plays performed here was Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar."
  • "Hamlet" is Written

    "Hamlet" is Written
    Shakespeare wrote one of his most famous pays, "Hamlet," possibly from motivation of his father's death.
  • A New Monarch

    A New Monarch
    Queen Elizabeth I dies after a 44 year rule. The new king, King James I, then takes the throne.
  • The Final Play

    The Final Play
    Shakespeare writes his final play, titled "The Two Noble Kinsmen," which is a tragicomedy.
  • Returning Home

    Returning Home
    Shakespeare leaves London to travel back to his wife and now married daughters, who live in Stratford-upon-Avon.
  • Shakespeare's Death

    Shakespeare's Death
    Shakespeare dies on April 23, 1616. He is buried in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon, where he was baptized as a child.