The Life of Thomas

  • Birth

    On Election Day of 2010 at 11:22 PM, I was born. My parents were Brandy (my mom), and Lance (my dad).
  • 10 Years after 9/11

    On this day, I was 9 months old when I witnessed the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
  • First Birthday

    On this day, I turned 1. I still have an item that was from that day.
  • The Memorial Day 2013 Incident

    On this day, I fell down the stairs into the basement. It was all caused by me leaning on a door to my basement. I went to the hospital. Fortunately, no bones were broken. My teeth were unaligned and somehow I got a tooth through my lip.
  • My First Wii Experience

    Sometime during this year, I had my first experience playing on the Wii. I can't say for sure exactly, but I think my first game on the Wii was Mario Kart Wii. Looking back at it now, I really wasn't great at it.
  • First Day of School

    This day would change my life. I went to school for the very first day in my life. I went to Wright Elementary for preschool.
  • Moving House

    Before I went to kindergarten, I moved a bit farther from Downtown CR. I still live there to this day.
  • Kindergarten, but different school

    I started Kindergarten, only this time I went to Garfield Elementary.
  • 1st Grade, but yet another school

    I enter first grade, but I go to Kenwood this time.
  • 2nd Grade, only 2 weeks

    I enter second grade, and I am still at the same school. I am in 2nd grade for only 2 weeks
  • 3rd Grade

    I manage to skip grades and go to 3rd grade. It was the only time I had done that, and I feel proud.
  • The 1.4 Year-Long Spring Break of 2020

    On this day was a year long break which I didn't come back from until August 2021. It was a wacky time indeed.
  • The Derecho of 2020

    This day was a pretty bad day, when the bad stuff started happening at about 1:00 PM. Eventually, tornado sirens sound and a few minutes later my dad arrives, and we all go to the basement (even including pets), and eventually things chill down. When we go outside, we see that a bunch of trees are absolutely DESTROYED. It would leave many years for Cedar Rapids to fully recover, but it is significantly sunnier. Overall, 669 thousand trees were damaged. It took about a week for power to be back.
  • 5th Grade: The Virtual Year

    After about a 4-month long summer break, and school getting delayed over and over again, school is back, except virtual. I was in virtual for the whole year, and it was something interesting indeed.
  • Meeting a friend

    On this day, I made a new friend. His name is Alex, and I have been friends with him ever since October 31st, 2020. It was quite fun knowing him for almost 2 years.
  • The day I turned 10

    On this day, I turned 10. After that day, my age would be in the double-digits.
  • Middle School, and back in-person too

    Middle School, and back in-person too
    On this day, I enter middle-school, and I would be at Roosevelt.
  • When I turned 11

    From this day, to represent my age with my hands, it would have to require my hands to do some sort of "animation", which just means that there would be different hand positions.
  • Into 7th Grade

    Here we are, at 7th Grade. Almost at the present day.
  • Present Day (as of September 20th 2022)

    Here we are, the present day. Also, on September 1st, My homeroom teacher made the decision to keep August going, but just increasing the number as the days went by.