Date of Birth
I was born May 27,1998. I was 8lbs 14oz .I was born Northeast hosptal. To my mother Lena Anderson. -
Period: to
From Birth To Family
From my birth to adopting a child of my own i was always a step ahead in my life to be successsful. -
My first Family Reunion
My firast family reunion in the country. I was 1 years old.That was my first time going to the Country. -
I graduated Pre-K
I graduated Pre-k from Henhosa . I waa four years old.I was a good student i made good grades. -
I started High school
I was a freshmen at Davis High School. My first time ever getting to a fight in my life. That was my first time skipping in getting in alot of trouble in school. -
Im Taking Drivers Ed
Me and my sister stared our drivers ed class to get our driver licences. We Both passed the test on the first time . So we can get our car. -
I Got My First JOb
I got my first job at Fiesta Mart. I was working there for two years. Than i start workinng at a clothing place. -
Im A Senior
I am a senior at Reach academy. I go to school every morning to make sure i can graduate on time. Take care all of my business so i can be something in life. -
I graduated Reach Acadmey. I'm going to have me a graduation party. I'll be going out to live my life. -
Going Off To College
Im going of to college to attend Texas A&M. I'm goin to ne a nurse . Than i'll be working at the hosptial i was born at. -
Adopt My First child
I will adopt a baby from a good adoption agency. I'm going to name my baby Ja'liyah . I'm going to raise her to become somethin good in life.