
The life of St Teresa of Avila

  • Mar 28, 1515

    Birth of St Teresa

    Birth of St Teresa
    St Teresa was born on March 28th 1515 in the Castilian town of Avila in Spain which was two years after the Protestant Reformation held by Mrtin Luther. She was one of the ten children children in her family and known to be the most 'well behaved'.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Attempting to become a martyr

    Attempting to become a martyr
    At a young age St Teresa attempted to escape from her home and run away with her brother after she had persuaded him to go with her. Rodrigo her brother and Teresa were both keento go to the land of the Moors and beg to be beheaded to profess their faith. Although before this occured an uncle had stopped them and returned them home. St Teresa started feeling as if she was a major sinner because of this.
  • Jan 1, 1529

    Teresa's mother passes away and she loses track

    Teresa's mother passes away and she loses track
    Teresa’s mother Beatriz sadly passed away when she was still a teenager .Her life was quite difficult as her husband who was Teresa’s father was very strict on her. After she passed, Teresa had a difficult time grieving and asked Our Mother Mary to take her in as her daughter. With time Teresa lost control and became very unproductive with her christian life, only focusing on her materialistic items.
  • Apr 4, 1531

    Sent to the convent; Studies

    Sent to the convent; Studies
    Teresa lived a quite rebellious teenage hood only focused on material items not spiritual. Her father was extremely angry at her because of her actions and sent her to the Augustinian Nuns convent, in Santa Maria De Gracia to change her life. Once she was there she didn’t enjoy it, but after reading the letters of saint Jerome she instantly loved it and felt that strong connection with her faith again.
  • Jun 24, 1534

    What path did Teresa choose?

    What path did Teresa choose?
    At this time in her life she had to make a critical decision whether to choose the married life or the religious life. Teresa thought that truly in her heart she was meant to choose the religious life and also because she had witnessed the horrible marriage of her parents and was quite afraid that hers would turn out the same way.
  • Jan 1, 1535

    Enters the Carmelite order.

    Enters the Carmelite order.
    Teresa joined the Carmelite order against her father’s will and she enjoyed her time there but for the wrong reasons. It was less strict than her home and all the nuns there were not focused on their faith but more towards gossiping. She started to pray mentally and continued this way for many years.
  • Dec 4, 1536

    Religious Life - Ideas to reform convent.

    Religious Life - Ideas to reform convent.
    Saint Teresa became very good friends with Saint John as they were both extremely determined to reform the Carmelite convent to become a better one. They needed to focus on all the areas which had to be changed to make it a great convent.
  • Apr 24, 1537

    Her sad suffering

    Her sad suffering
    Finally she had settled in the convent but she was still not putting God first in her life. Then suddenly she had a severe seizure that she had woken up to four days later. For three years she was paralysed and instead of using this valuable time to strengthen her faith she believed that God would not have responded to her as she had sinned so greatly against him.
  • Jan 1, 1554


    At this time in her life during the season of lent St Teresa experienced a radical conversion before a statue of the suffering Jesus Christ.
  • Aug 29, 1556

    Renewal of Faith

    Renewal of Faith
    At the age of 41, she started praying again after a priest had approached her and told her that she must do it as she would feel much better. Every time she prayed , she prayed with all her heart and truly felt that God was listening to her soul and communicating with her .She started having more knowledge about sins and people thought that these teachings were coming from the devil and not our Lord.
  • Oct 1, 1556

    Grace of spiritual betrothal

    Grace of spiritual betrothal
    Teresa receives the grace of spiritual betrothal and starts to think that at times she is being addressed by interior voices. She also see’s certain visions in her life and experiences revelations.
  • Jan 1, 1560

    Piercing of the heart

    Piercing of the heart
    In this time St Teresa recieves the grace of transverberation which was the spirit piercing of the heart causing her to become closer with God.
  • Aug 24, 1562

    St Joesph convent

    St Joesph convent
    Pope Pius IV finally granted Teresa permission to found the San Joseph De Avila (St. Joseph of Avila) convent. She was extremley greatful for this blessing as she had written up her own consitutions and had been waiting for the approval for a long period of time.
  • Jan 2, 1565

    Writing an autobigraphy

    Writing an autobigraphy
    She begins to write a story about her life and all the wonderful aspects that have occured in it because she was ordered to do so. As well as this, she starts discussing her vision for reforming the monastic life to her friends and colleagues.
  • Mar 4, 1567

    Contreversies involved

    Contreversies involved
    Saint Teresa had founded many convents and was destined to retire because of this reason. Although she was able to leave freely as the charges were soon dropped and not important.
  • Aug 15, 1567

    Medina del Campo

    Medina del Campo
    St. Teresa founds her second convent after recieving permission to , and founds it in Medina del Campo.
  • Jan 1, 1581

    Founding Convents

    Founding Convents
    St Teresa founded many convents through the years until now which were situated in Malagon, Valladolid, Toledo, Pastrana, Salamanca, Albe de Tornmes with Juan de la Cruz, Segiova, Beas, Seville,Villanueva de la Jara, Palencia, Soria, Burgos and Granada.She helped the church greatly by all of the many convents she had founded that have been listed and this was appreciated by everyone.
  • Oct 4, 1582

    Death of St. Teresa

    Death of St. Teresa
    During her visit to Albe de Tormes she sadly passses away after recieving the sacrement of extreme Unction and last confession.
  • Declaration

    She is declared the Doctor of the churh and is the Patron saint for headache sufferers.
  • When was she canonized?

    When was she canonized?
    In 1622 Saint Teresa was canonized a saint and found with her body still incorrupt and not smelling unpleasant.