The life of St. Jane de Chantal

  • Jan 23, 1572


    Born January 23, 1572 in Dijon france
  • Marriage

    Married to Christophe rabutin Chanta when she was 20 and had four children
  • Christophe's death

    Christophe dies and St. Jane vows to chastity
  • Meeting St. Francis

    When St. Jane returned to Dijon she meets St. Francis and he becomes her spiritual director
  • Beginning of noviation

    she and two other women begin their novitiate at the galerie house
    The community becomes the sisters of the visitation of holy mary
    Francis continues to help jane in her religious studies
    Their routine focused on prayer and visiting the sick
    The community must follow papal enclosure as other communities of women had to stay oh their grounds
  • Death

    She established 82 communites before her death on december 13, 1641 she was buriedby st. Francis , was canonized in 1767, she died at the visitation monestary at mouli