The Life of Simon Bolivar

  • The Birth of Simon Bolivar

    The Birth of Simon Bolivar
    Simon Bolivar was born on July 24, 1783. Bolivar was born in Caracas, Venezuela. His parents were Juan Vicente Bolívar y Ponte & María de la Concepción Palacios y Blanco
  • Period: to

    The Death of his Parents

    When Simon was 3 his dad died of tuberculosis on January 19, 1786. His mom died 6 years later of tuberculosis on July 6, 1792. His uncle looked over Simon’s inheritance & made sure he had proper schooling.
  • Marriage

    On May 26, 1802, Simon got married to María Teresa del Toro y Alayza. Unfortunately, Maria died a year later of yellow fever. Her final resting place is in Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Paris

    In 1804 after his wife died Simon was inspired to go into politics. He traveled to Paris where he witnessed Napoleon's Coronation.
  • London

    On April 19 1810 Simon was ridden of his power over Venezuela & went to london.
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    In March 1811 Simon put himself in the debate over the Constitution that was all over the country at that time.
  • War

    On august 16 1813 Simon took the army into Caracas to gain Venezuela back.
  • Death

    On December 17 1830 he died of tuberculosis & he now rest in Caracas Venezuela