
The life of Sigmund Freud

  • Birth

    Sigmund Freud was born on May 6th, 1856 in Freiberg, Austria. His mother and father are Amalia and Jacob Freud. He was the oldest of seven children. In 1860, he and his family moved to Vienna, Austria when Sigmund Freud was 4. Vienna was where Freud spent the majority of his life.(“Costigan 1-5)
  • Baseball club in Washington D.C was founded

    Baseball club in Washington D.C was founded
    The baseball club was the Nationals, along with the rival Potomac Club. They were mostly made up of government clerks. Both teams were often found practicing on the White House fields. When the Civil War began, the Potomacs stopped, while the Nationals kept going. By the end of the war, they had managed to become a determined local team.(“B-R Bullpen.”)
  • Baseball becomes popular

    Baseball becomes popular
    In 1860, the sport of baseball became extremely popular in the United States. It became mostly popular in New York and Boston. California's first ever recorded baseball game was in San Francisco. In the end, the eagles ended up winning and they got a silver baseball as their prize. Some of the players also were given medals.(“FoundSF.” and Grun 425)
  • The Education act

    The Education act
    The Elementary Education Act of 1870 was the first of many acts of parliament passed between 1870 and 1893. The goal was to create required education in England and Wales for children aged between five and thirteen. This established local education and money to improve the existing schools. It was considered a huge step in the educational development.(The 1870 Education Act.)
  • Beginning Research

    Beginning Research
    After Freud received his medical degree in 1881, he immediately began research. He wanted to study neurobiology which is the biology of the nervous system. He also wanted to explore into the biology of brains and nervous tissue of humans and animals. (“Sigmund Freud.”
  • Early life

    Early life
    After graduating from the university of Vienna in 1881, Sigmund wanted to further his research in neurobiology. He began setting up private practices and experiments. He wanted to find a way to treat various psychological disorders.(“Sigmund Freud.”
  • Early career

    Early career
    Freud became influenced by Joesef Breur, who was one of Freud's close friends and Freud looked at him as a father-figure. Breur discovered that when patients were encouraged to talk uninhibitedly about the earliest occurrences of symptoms, the symptoms sometimes gradually abate or become less intense. The two worked together on things like sleep paralysis and hysteria.(Watson 494)
  • Work with Josef Breur

    Work with Josef Breur
    After a lot of work done together, the two published a book called "Studies in Hysteria" in 1895. The book was mainly about their theories about confronting trauma from a patient’s past, and how psychoanalysts can help a patient rid him or herself of neuroses. Hysteria is basically the tormenting of the body by the troubled mind. The two wanted to dig deeper into why our bodies go into hysteria and all of the information regarding trauma.(“Sigmund Freud.”,)
  • Ending career with Josef Breur

    Ending career with Josef Breur
    Breur ended up breaking off his friendship with Sigmund Freud. He felt like Freud put too much emphasis on the sexuual origins of a patient. Freud was also not willing to consider some of Breur's thoughts. This was upsetting to Breur so he decided to part ways with Freud.(“Sigmund Freud.”,)
  • The Interpretations of dreams

    The Interpretations of dreams
    In 1900, Sigmund Freud published a book "The Interpretation of dreams". In this book it describes introduces his theory of the unconscious with respect to dream interpretation, and discusses what would later become the theory of the Oedipus complex.The book was first published in an edition of 600 copies, which did not sell out for eight years. The Interpretation of Dreams later gained in popularity, and seven more editions were published in Freud's lifetime.(“Sigmund Freud.”,
  • The 3 essays on the theory of sexuality

    The 3 essays on the theory of sexuality
    In 1905, Sigmund Freud published a book entitled "The 3 essays on the theory of sexuality". This read goes into detail an argument that expands upon his theories of sexuality in relation to the person's childhood experiences. There are three main parts to this work: sexual perversions, childhood sexuality, and puberty. Freud believed in sexual development and the relationship between sex and social behavior without applying his controversial Oedipal complex.(Grun 459)(Sigmund
  • Britain declares war

    Britain declares war
    On August 4th, 1914, Belgium's ports were near the British coast and German control of Belgium would be seen as a huge threat to Great Britain. Germany attempted to move troops through Belgium trying to invade France. Britain chose to not forget this day. Germany went into Belgium and attacked France. Within hours, Britain declared war on Germany.(Grun 466)
  • Adolf Hitler was appointed German chancellor

    Adolf Hitler was appointed German chancellor
    Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor on January 30,1933. Once he was given the job he instantly began ordering a rapid expansion of the state police and putting Hermann Goering in charge of a new security force, completely made up of of Nazis. Hitler was determined to exterminate or punish anyone who opposed him or his army. From that moment on, Nazi Germany was beginning to take over Germany, and there was really nothing anyone could do to stop it.(Grun 504)
  • Italy joins the Anti-Comintern pact

    Italy joins the Anti-Comintern pact
    The anti-comintern pact was an anti-Communist pact made between Germany and Japan that was joined by other governments. It was directed against the Communist International. Italy's decision to join the pact was a sort of reaction against the Stresa Front that did not succeed. the Stresa Front was designed to keep Germany from going beyond its given borders.(Grun 512)
  • Nazi Invasion

    Nazi Invasion
    Sigmund Freud was born into a jewish family. The Nazis seized Freud’s money, property, and publishing house. Freud decided that it would be best if he escaped Vienna. Freud ended up in Paris, France where he spent the short remainder of his life. After a while of being in Paris, Freud found out that his four sisters had been executed in concentration camps.(“Sigmund Freud.”,)
  • Death

    Sigmund Freud had been battling with oral cancer and fighting to escape the nazi rage. He had a large tobacco problem and this caused him to get a cancerous tumor inside of his mouth. Freud knew his time was coming near so he requested a large dose of morphine. At age 83, Freud’s daughter, Anna, injected the first of three large doses of morphine. On September 23, 1939, Freud fell into a coma and never awoke.(“Sigmund Freud.”,)