The Life of Shakespeare

By s883361
  • Apr 23, 1564


    William Shakespeare is born. His parents are John Shakespeare and Mary Shakespeare.
  • Nov 17, 1564

    Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth
    Queen Elizabeth rules as queen. She watched plays, and loved drama.
  • 1569


    Shakespeare attends Stratford,a grammar school.
  • Marriage

    Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway.
  • Children

    Shakespeare's first child, Susanna is born
  • The Beginning of His Career

    The Beginning of His Career
    Shakespeare leaves his family to join an acting company. He becomes a playwright & actor.
  • Twins

    Shakespeare's twins are born. There names are Hamnet and Judith.
  • Shakespeare's First Play

    Shakespeare's First Play
    Shakespeare writes his very first play, Henry VI, Part 1
  • Criticism

    Shakespeare is criticized by playwright Robert Greene, who call Shakespeare an "upstart crow".
  • Poems

    Shakespeare writes Venus & Adonis, and this allows him to become a published poet.
  • Closed Theaters

    Closed Theaters
    Theaters close because of the bubonic plaque, a disease that killed a number of the population during this time.
  • Theaters Reopen

    Theaters Reopen
    Theaters Reopen to the public. The Chamberlain's Men are very popular. Shakespeare is the leading actor for the troupe.They are invited to perform for Queen Elizabeth numerous times.
  • First Printed Play

    First Printed Play
    Shakespeare's first printed play Titus Adronicus is performed.
  • Globe Theater

    Globe Theater
    The Globe Theater is built. Many of Shakespeare's play are performed here.
  • Plays

    Shakespeare writes Henry V, Much Ado About Nothing, and Julius Caesar.
  • Hamlet

    Shakespeare writes Hamlet. Many believe that Hamlet was inspired by his father's death.
  • King James I

    King James I
    King James I becomes the new successor to Queen Elizabeth I
  • A New King

    A New King
    After King James I takes the throne, The Chamberlain's Men change their name to The King's Men. The King takes a liking to the group.
  • Final Days

    Final Days
    Shakespeare writes his last few plays, which include Henry VIII, Two Noble Kinsmen, and a portion of Cardenio. The Globe also catches fire, & is destroyed completely
  • Shakespeare's Death

    Shakespeare's Death
    Shakespeare dies from an unknown illness. He is 52 years old