The Life of Shakespeare

  • Apr 1, 1564

    The birth of Shakespeare

    He was born Stratford-upon-Avon
  • Marries Anne Hathaway

    He marries his wife Anne Hathaway
  • First Child

    His first child Susan Shakespeare is born
  • More children

    His wife gives birth to twins Judith and Hamnet Shakespear
  • First Play

    His first play Henry VI was produced
  • New property

    Shakespeare buys a new place in Stratfrod-upon-Avon
  • First Poem

    Shakespeare publishes his first poem Venus and Adonis
  • Father's Death

    His father John Shakespeare dies
  • Another Death

    His mom dies
  • Grandchildren

    His granddaughter Elizabeth Shakespeare is born
  • Terrible Events

    The Globe theater burns down and was rebuilt
  • Unfortunate Death

    Shakespeare dies
  • Final Death

    His wife dies