
The Life of Scott Fitzgerald

  • Birth

    Scott Fitzgerald was born to Edward Fitzgerald and Mollie McQuilan in St. Paul, Minnesota
  • Period: to

    Scott Fitzgerald

  • Lover Is Born

    Lover Is Born
    Zelda Sayre is a southern girl born into a wealthy family, she goes on to become Scotts partner
  • St. Paul Academy

    Scott's family moves back to Minnesota from New York where he begins to attend St. Paul. He was a talented writer from a young age and was often on the school newspaper
  • Scott enrolls into Princeton

    Scott enrolls into Princeton
    Fitzgerald enters Princeton and the class of 1917. He wasn't a hardcore alcoholic just yet! He was failing his classes and missing school which ended up with him being put on Academic Probation
  • Lt. Fitzgerald

    Scott knew he had wanted to be in the Military before he even joined Princteon. When he did he became Second Lt. in Infantry and during that time he wrote "The Romantic Egoist:"
  • Sweet Home Alabama

    After being stationed in Camp Sheridan in Montgomery, Alabama Scott meets and falls in love with Zelda Sayre. She becomes his fiance but ultimately leaves him due to him not making enough money after the army.
  • This Side of Paradise

    After moving back to St. Paul again, Scott works on becoming a financial success in order to win Zelda back. He writes this Side of Paradise which becomes published making him an over night success
  • Scott and Zelda get Married

    After Scott's novel is published making him famous. Zelda agrees to marry him, it makes me wonder whether shes sees Scott as a lover or a provider
  • Scott becomes a Dad

    Scott becomes a Dad
    Zelda and Scott's baby girl Frances is born
  • The Great Gatsby

    Scott moves to France and begins to write what becomes his biggest piece of work ever. This book is about The American Dream and reflects on his life a little bit, he had moved to France to write without distractions
  • Back To The States

    The Fitzgeralds move back to the US where Scott continues to work on his writing. His wife however, begins a career in professional ballet
  • Zelda's Mental Illness

    Between 1929 and 1930, Zelda had a mental breakdown. She was later diagnosed with schizophrenia and it started to change her.
  • Zelda Writes Her Own Story

    Zelda relapses leading to her being sent to a man by the name of John Hopkins, she writes Save Me The Waltz which gives some insight on her point of view of her relationship
  • Scott Goes to Hollywood

    Scott Goes to Hollywood
    After several failed novels, and debt collecting, Scott moves to LA hoping to score big in the movie industry. With Zelda not showing any signs of getting better, Scott moves on.
  • Death Of Scott Fitzgerald

    After suffering one heart attack from his drinking prblems, Scott decides to put down the bottle. This and several failures on his life lead him to become depressed. He had a second heart attack at the age of 44 and passed away. 5 years later The Great Gatsby became one of the most iconic novels in America