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The Life of Saraah

By C_jones
  • Early Years: Trust VS Mistrust

    Early Years: Trust VS Mistrust
    Saraah Nicole Robinson was born into what she believed to be a loving family. It wasn't long before it was clear her father had a drug and alcohol problem. He became very abusive to her mother and sometimes her too. In Erikson's First Stage, Trust Vs Mistrust, when infants and children are shown proper love, they grow up thinking good of the world. But when they are not, they believe the world is not a good place and become very mistrusting of others.
  • Figuring it all out: Identity VS Identity Confusion

    Figuring it all out: Identity VS Identity Confusion
    By the time Saraah was 16 her father passed away due to his addiction. Her mother was so traumatized from her years of abuse she had to go to a mental institution. Saraah had no one to look up to or to help her figure out who she was. She felt very lost and alone in the world. In Erikson's Fifth Stage, Identity Vs Identity confusion, this stage is for figuring out who you are and what's important to you. Failure to do so concludes in identity confusion.
  • The Important Years: Generativity VS Stagnation

    The Important Years: Generativity VS Stagnation
    After many years of trying to find herself, Saraah came to the conclusion that her childhood played a huge part in her difficulty today. Saraah decided to open a home for teens that come from difficult homes. She helps the teens by providing a safe and loving place for them. In Eriksons Seventh Stage, Generativity Vs Stagnation, the adult is trying to find ways to contribute a positive impact on the next generation. If they only focus on themselves, they become very stagnant in life.