Dec 24, 1491
Saint Ignatius is born
Saint Ignatius of Loyola is born in the Basque region of Spain as Inigo Lopez. Saint Ignatius was born in 1491, the year before Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. -
Period: Dec 24, 1491 to Jul 31, 1556
The Life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus sails the ocean.
Christopher Columbus departed from Palos de la Frontera with the Pinta, the Niña, and the Santa María -
Feb 24, 1500
Charles V is born
Charles V, king of Spain, was born in Ghent, Belgium. -
Jan 1, 1503
Leonardo da Vinci starts the Mona Lisa
Nov 10, 1506
Saint Ignatius becomes a soldier
May 20, 1521
Ignatius is hit by a cannon ball
Saint Ignatius is hit by a cannon ball in the legs while in battle at the Battle on Pamplona. He injured one of his legs and broke the other one. -
Mar 25, 1522
Saint Ignatius travels to Santa Maria de Montserrat where he stays in a cave for months
Saint Ignatius experienced a vision of the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus while at the shrine of Our Lady of Montserrat. -
Sep 3, 1523
Saint Ignatius arrives at the Holy Land
Saint Ignatius has to leave on Setpember 23, 1523 -
Jan 1, 1528
Saint ignatius travels to Paris to learn at the great University of Paris
Sep 7, 1533
Queen Elizabeth I of England is born
Aug 15, 1534
Saint Ignatius 'vows'
Saint Ignatius and his six followers go to the crypt of the Church of Our Lady of the Martyrs, at Montmartre, and took vows of lifelong work. -
Dec 25, 1538
Ignatius has his first mass
Saint Ignatius cries at his first mass on Christmas. -
Sep 27, 1540
The Society of Jesus was formed
Pope Paul III approved the Society of Jesus. -
Jan 1, 1548
The Spiritual Exercises were approved
The Spiritual Exercises were printed. Saint Ignatius was brought before the Roman Inquisition, but was released. The Spiritual Exercises were approved by Pope Paul III. -
Jul 31, 1556
Saint Ignatius died
Saint Ignatius dies of a type of malaria called Roman Fever.