The Life of Sacagawea

  • Sacagawea was born in what we now call Idaho

  • Period: to

    Birth-Death Sacagawea

  • Minneataree Indians attacked and kidnapped her. Toussint Charbonneau traded for her and became her husband even though he was 3 times older than her.

  • Sacagawea and her husband joined the Corps of Discovery with Lewis and Clakr to find new land.

  • The Corps of Discovery ship got flooded with water by the strong winds forming giant waves. Sacagawea thought fast and saved the crew by grabbing all the supplies she could.

  • Sacagawea was about to die because of a fever, but soon after, she felt much better.

  • The journey to find new land was complete.

  • The crew (Corps of Discovery) was passing by Sacagawea's tribe's land to trade for horses and supplies. She saw her people again but had to say goodbye to finish crossing the mountains with her crew.

  • acagawea finally saw the ocean ,which was one of her goals in life.

  • The Corps of Discovery crew built the Clatsop Fort