The life of Robert by Imogen K.

  • Robert was born.

  • America went to Iceland to prevent the Nazies from taking it.

    America went to Iceland to prevent the Nazies from taking it.
    Link to why America decided to go to Iceland
    America went to Iceland to keep the Nazis from taking it because it seemed that the Nazis would think it would be a good time to take it. They moved there to help Canada keep them under "Protective custody" after the british had to move out.
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor

    The attack on Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor Video and Article
    The Japanese bombed pearl harbor destroyng the U.S. Pacific Fleet. The bombing killed 1,177 sailor and naval troops. This gave the U.S a reason to join World War II. There had been a war brewing between Japan and the U.S. because of the way Japan treated China. It hadn't been expected that Japan would attack American land because it would be inconvenient.
  • President Trueman says the Atomic Bomb can be used in Hiroshima

    President Trueman says the Atomic Bomb can be used in Hiroshima
    Trueman Atomic Bomb Article
    He wanted to end the war because of the vindictiveness from Americans after pearl harbor, he had many options to end it. The Allies offered that Japan unconditionally surrendered in Potsdam. After they rejected he authorised that the Atomic Bomb could be used.
  • Robert goes to his first day of school

  • Jackie Robinson becomes the first black in a major league baseball team.

    Jackie Robinson becomes the first black in a major league baseball team.
    Jackie Robinson Link
    He was chosen by Branch Ricky president of the Brooklyn Dodgers to help intergrate the baseball teams. By joining the Brooklyn Dodgers he breaks the barrier that Major League Baseball had against blacks.
  • Visited family in canada

  • America Sends troops to Korea

    America Sends troops to Korea
    Korean War
    After North Korea attacks South Korea, America states that the would support South Korea and then sent air and naval troops there.
  • The Korean war ends with Armistice.

    The Korean war ends with Armistice.
    Korean War End
    After three years of war the US, North Korea, South Korea and the Peroples Republic of China agree to an armistice bringing the war to an end.
  • Robert started high school

  • Caught Eddie Matthews 29th home run.

  • His mother died

  • Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat

    Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat
    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus to a white man, got her arrested and started the Montgomery bus boycott. It helped start the push to end segregation in public places.
  • The National Guard Called to Duty to Prevent Nine Black Kids to go to a Previous All White School

    The National Guard Called to Duty to Prevent Nine Black Kids to go to a Previous All White School
    Central School Intergration
    The governor of Arkansas Called the National Guard to prevent nine kids from entering an all white school after the Federal Court ordered intergration. After a stand off Eisenhower sent 1,000 paratroops to keep order.
  • The St.Lawerence Seaway Opens Between America and Canada

    The St.Lawerence Seaway Opens Between America and Canada
    The Opening
    The St.Lawerence seaway is a channel from the Pacific Ocean to the Great Lakes. It's first boat was the D`Iberville.
  • JFK Assasination

    JFK Assasination
    JFK was fatally shot when in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald who was later killed by Jack Ruby.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    Civil Rights Act
    The civil rights act helped end segregation and banned any type of discrimintion in employment. It was at first proposed by Kennedy then it was later signed by Johnson.
  • Graduated from college

  • Death of Malcolm X

    Death of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X assasination article
    Malcolm X was assainated in Manhattan's Audobon Ballroom when giving a speech to his followerers was assainated and other people in the room where injured.
  • Got Married

  • First child was born

  • First Man On The Moon

    First Man On The Moon
    The Firt steps on the moon
    After traveling for four days after taking off from earth the three astronauts land on the moon. The first man on the moon is Niel Armstrong then Buzz Aldrin joins him, thier third companion, Micheal Collins stays aboard to man the controls
  • The Watergate Crisis

    The Watergate Crisis
    Watergate Article
    Several burgulars were arrested inside the Democratic National Committee biulding in Watergate. It is thought that the break in had something to do with President Nixon's reelection camaign. They were caught trying to steal secret documents and to wiretap phones. It is not known weither or not he knew about it before it happened but he was the one who paid them with "Hush Money" to stop the FBI from investigation by destroying evidence and firing uncooprative employees.
  • Second child was born

  • Retired