
The Life of Robert Browning

  • Robert Browning was born in Camberwell, England

  • Roberts Birthday

    In 1825, a cousin gave Browning a collection of shelly’s poetry. He aslo asked that for his thirteenth birthday and declared himself a vegetarian and an atheist in emulation of the poet.
  • Starts writing poetry

    Robert is influenced by Shelley and begins writing poetry.
  • London University

    Browning entered London University
  • first book published

    a fragment of a confession was published
  • Robert attends College

    Robert attened the University of College London at the age 14
  • Unsuccessful plays

    Published his first series of unsuccefull plays, Strafford.
  • visits italy

    First visit to Italy.
  • Robert visits Italy

    In 1838 he visited Italy, looking for background for Sordello, a long poem in blank verse,presented as the imaginary biography of the Mantuan bard spoken
  • Obscure Poet

    Publishes Sordello, a dramatic monologue that established him as being an obsure poet.
  • Robert meets Elizabeth

    In 1845, Browning met the poet Elizabeth Barrett, six years his elder, who lived as a semi-invalid in her father's house in Wimpole Street, London
  • Career decision

    Browing deciced to pursue a career as a poet.
  • Robert marrys Elizabeth

    The marriage was initially secret because Elizabeth's domineering father disapproved of marriage for any of his children. Mr. Barrett disinherited Elizabeth, as he did for each of his children who married: “The Mrs. Browning of popular imagination was a sweet, innocent young woman who suffered endless cruelties
  • Roberts son is born

    Roberts son is born
    Robert Wiedeman Barrett Browning
  • Roberts wife dies

    After gradually declining in health for several years, Elizabeth Browning died
  • publishes Dramatis Personae

    Browning soon moved to London. Browning went on to publish Dramatis Personae
  • Publishes Dramatis Personae

  • Rejection

    Proposes to Lady Ashburton and gets rejected.
  • Last publication

    Browning publishes his last collection of poems, Asolando.
  • Robert dies

    robert died at his son's home in Venice, Italy