Rav Kook is born
The Rav is born to R. Shlomo Zalman and Pera Zlata Kook. The boy had increadible talents, and was even taken out of cheder to be taught personally by his father at the age of nine. -
Period: to
The Rav studied in the Yeshiva in Volozhin
The Rav learned here for approximately 18 months. Here, the Rav learned with incredible diligence. He was able to cover about 60 dapim (folios) of Gemara each day, as he learned for 18 hours straight! -
Rav Kook marries Bat-Sheva Alta (APPROXIMATE)
The Rav married the Aderet's daughter at the age of 23. Some time later, she dies, leaving the Rav with a one-and-a-half year old daughter. The Rav then went on to marry Bat-Sheva Alta's first coursin, named Reyza Rivkah. The Rav ended up with four total children from both marriages, one boy and three girls. -
Rav Kook Arrives in Jaffa Port
The Rav first arrived to Israel here. -
The Rav Encounters his first Shemita Year in Israel
The Rav was famous for allowing the Heter Mechira to take place, to allow for Jewish farmers to continue working the land. -
Rav Kook Becomes Rabbi of Machzikei HaDat
While he is outside of the Land of Israel, the Rav is invited and accepted as the Rabbi of a Synogogue in London, England. -
Rav Kook's 12 year Old Daughter Dies (APPROXIMATE)
Esther Ra'el died after falling down a flight of stairs. -
Rav Kook Becomes the Cheif Rabbi of Jerusalem (APPROXIMATE)
After pressure from major rabbis and community leaders, the Rav finally agrees to take the position as the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, This date is approximate. -
Rav Kook Successfully Creates a Rabinical Council (APPROXIMATE)
After much struggle, the Rav is finally able to make a sucessful rabinical councel representing almost all of the major communities in the land of Israel. (APPROXIMATE) -
Rav Kook Travels to the US (APPROXIMATE)
Rav Kook traveled to America to attempt to raise money for his Yeshiva, Yeshivat Merkaz Harav, approximately at this time. -
Rav Kook Passes Away
The Rav passes away, exactly sixteen years after he moves to Yerushalayim