Birth of Patrick Cleburne
Patrick Cleburne was born March 16th, 1828, in Cork County Ireland to a well to do family. His father had a career in the medical field and his son was expected to follow in his footsteps. PR Fessler, “THE CASE OF THE MISSING PROMOTION - HISTORIANS AND THE MILITARY CAREER OF CLEBURNE, PATRICK, RONAYNE.” The Arkansas Historical Quarterly 53, no. 2 (1994): 213. -
Arkansas Statehood
Arkansas entered America as the 25th state. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 included Arkansas. The lands of Arkansas were very fertile and teamed with game. The entry of Arkansas into the Union brought yet another slave state into the national debate on slavery. JEANNIE M. WHAYNE, THOMAS A. DEBLACK, GEORGE SABO, and MORRIS S. ARNOLD. “The Turbulent Path to Statehood: Arkansas Territory, 1830—1836.” (University of Arkansas Press, 2017):129. -
Irish Potato Famine Begins
The Irish Potato Famine strikes Ireland causing mass starvation and disease across the country. The Cleburne family emigrated to America shortly after the Famine began in 1849 in search of more opportunities abroad. “General Patrick Cleburne Proposes Black Soldiers for the Confederacy.” Civil War (1860-1865), 2014. -
Mexican American War
The Mexican American War was fought from 1846-1848. After America defeated Mexico, it acquired vast new lands. The issue of free states and slave states resurfaced yet again prompting many compromises and debates both physical and political. These events directly influenced popular thought in Arkansas and its citizens. -
Patrick Cleburne enlists in the British Army
Patrick Cleburne enlisted in the British 41st Regiment despite being an Irishman. He served from 1846-1849. Cleburne distinguished himself and rose to the rank of Corporal. Cleburne served for three years before his parents purchased his discharge and as a family emigrated to America. PR. Fessler. “THE CASE OF THE MISSING PROMOTION - HISTORIANS AND THE MILITARY CAREER OF CLEBURNE,PATRICK,RONAYNE.” The Arkansas Historical Quarterly 53, no. 2 (1994): 213 -
Emigration to America
Patrick Cleburne emigrated to America with his parents and siblings in 1849 after serving in the British Army. He eventually settled in Helena, Arkansas. McPherson, James M. Civil War (1860-1865). Defining Documents in American History. (Ipswich, Massachusetts: Salem Press, 2014): 532. -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 came about after the Mexican American War as America acquired new territories. The question of what to do with these new states rose again. The compromise was five bills which admitted California as a Free State, Utah and New Mexico would decide their own status, set a boundary between Texas and New Mexico, and established the Fugitive Slave Act. McPherson, James M. Battle Cry of Freedom : the Civil War Era. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988):123-125. -
Patrick Cleburne becomes a lawyer
Patrick Cleburne became a successful lawyer in Helena, AR and entered into the Helena social circles. He gained wealth at this time and made friends with Newspaper owner/politician Thomas C. Hindman. McPherson, James M. Civil War (1860-1865). Defining Documents in American History. (Ipswich, Massachusetts: Salem Press, 2014): -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was a last-ditch effort to save the Union and allowed Kansas to enter as a free state which infuriated Southerners as it violated the Missouri Compromise. This compromise directly influenced southern views and Patrick Cleburne which fed anger on a national level. -
Patrick Cleburne joins the Arkansas Militia
Patrick Cleburne enlisted in the Arkansas State Militia in the spring of 1861. He enlisted as a private but due to his prior experience in the British Army was shortly thereafter elected as the Colonel of the 15th Arkansas. PR. Fessler. “THE CASE OF THE MISSING PROMOTION - HISTORIANS AND THE MILITARY CAREER OF CLEBURNE,PATRICK,RONAYNE.” The Arkansas Historical Quarterly 53, no. 2 (1994): 214. -
American Civil War begins
The American Civil War began April 12, 1861. The forces involved were the Union northern states and the Confederate southern states. The Union was fighting a war initially to preserve the Union due to the Southern states seceding to keep slavery alive in their states. -
Arkansas Secedes from the Union
Arkansas seceded from the Union along with eleven other southern states. Multiple secession conventions were convened in the state with many different opinions for and against secession. Arkansas ultimately threw in its hat with her fellow slave owning states as they viewed the election of Republican President Lincoln as a death nail to their way of life. Gigantino, James J. Slavery and Secession in Arkansas: A Documentary History. (Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2015): xxii. -
Promotion to Major-General
Patrick Cleburne was promoted quickly due to his competence and quick thinking on and off the battlefield. He rose quickly through the ranks as he was admired both by his men and his leadership. PR. Fessler. “THE CASE OF THE MISSING PROMOTION - HISTORIANS AND THE MILITARY CAREER OF CLEBURNE,PATRICK,RONAYNE.” The Arkansas Historical Quarterly 53, no. 2 (1994): 214. -
Emancipation Proclamation of American Slaves
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Union President Abraham Lincoln freeing all slaves in slaveholding states on January 1, 1863. This idea of emancipation would later be voiced by Cleburne to his Confederate leadership but would go nowhere. -
Patrick Cleburne proposes freeing southern slaves
General Patrick Cleburne proposed to emancipate southern slaves to bolster Confederate forces moral and numbers. This proposal was given to his commanding officer who was a slave owner and was met with immediate suppression. the proposal ultimately failed after reaching the desk of Confederate President Jefferson Davis in early 1864. McPherson, James M. Civil War (1860-1865). Defining Documents in American History. (Ipswich, Massachusetts: Salem Press, 2014): 538. -
Death of Patrick Cleburne
Patrick Cleburne was killed at the Battle of Franklin on November 30, 1864. He was last seen riding his horse leading his men over the Union fortifications. He disappeared into the smoke on Union cannons. His body was later recovered in the Union breastworks. PR. Fessler. “THE CASE OF THE MISSING PROMOTION - HISTORIANS AND THE MILITARY CAREER OF CLEBURNE,PATRICK,RONAYNE.” The Arkansas Historical Quarterly 53, no. 2 (1994): 214. -
American Civil War ends
The American Civil War ended with the surrender of Confederate General Robert E. Lee to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, VA on April 9, 1865. The loss to the Confederacy directly affected Arkansas and fellow southern states as their way of life would be forever changed with the ending of slavery. -
Final emancipation of all enslaved Americans
On June 19, 1865, the last slaves were emancipated. Juneteenth is celebrated as the day the Union General Granger published General Orders 3 setting all remaining slaves free in Galveston, Texas. Edward T. Cotham. 2021. Juneteenth: The Story Behind the Celebration. Vol. First edition. Kerrville, TX: State House Press. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=shib&db=e091sww&AN=2946994&site=ehost-live&scope=site.