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The life of Nathaniel Turner

  • The Birth of Nathaniel Turner

    The Birth of Nathaniel Turner
    Nat turner was born in Virginia, to a slave woman Nancy turner. He took on his owner, Benjamin Turner's last name.
  • Nat makes a choice

    Nat makes a choice
    In 1821, after thirty days of hiding in the woods after running away Nat came back to his owner because he thought it was gods plan.
  • The Visions

    The Visions
    Nat turner has his first visions of conflict between whites and blacks in 1828. He took this as a sign from god to kill whites.
  • Solar Eclipse

    Solar Eclipse
    In February 1831 a solar eclipse occurred acting as a signal for Nathaniel to carry out his plans
  • So it begins

    So it begins
    Nat turner and his fellow slaves attack, killing their owners and several other whites in the county
  • Casualties

    The rebellion had caused the deaths of sixty whites including men, women, and children
  • Rebellion is over

    Rebellion is over
    The white militia proceded to hunt down all those who had participated in the uprising. For two months Nathaniel hid in southampton county
  • States response

    States response
    As a punishment for these crimes the state executed hundreds of blacks suspected of involvement. They were beheaded and were placed on wooden stakes to strike fear
  • Captured

    Nat turner was eventually caught by a white farmer, Benjamin Phipps, found him in a hole.
  • Legal issues

    Legal issues
    Thomas grey ( turners lawyer) visits Nat and writes his confession. Grey then goes on to publish a book called the confessions of Nat Turner.
  • Trial

    Nat Turner pleads not guilty to the charges if conspiring to rebel. He is sentenced to death by hanging
  • Death

    His sentence was carried out on November 11, 1831. His body was skinned and dismembered. Many other blacks met the same fate
  • Effects

    Even harsher laws were enacted as a result of this. The incident put fear in the hearts of southerners , ending the emancipation movement in the region. But others looked to him as a powerful and brave hero and inspired other enslaved africans