The Life of my Wife

  • the Legendary Lily is born!

    in California
  • She gets her first REAL job at a toy store

    in Sherman Oaks, CA
  • She meets her future husband, me!

    at that same toy store.
  • Receives Certificate of Outstanding Completion from Inner City Filmakers

  • Brother passes away

  • Barry Katz Entertainment internship

  • Receives BA in Communications

  • Lily becomes a server for Maria's Italian Kitchen

    Thinking it would be a fun, fast paced and physical job, she applies.
  • Blumhouse Internship

  • hired as Associate Producer at Entertainment Studios

  • Library of Horrors Youtube Channel is born

    Lily and her future husband start up an animated horror short channel
  • Obtained a Master's Degree in English Creative Writing

  • Lily becomes adjunct at CSUN

    She also works at college of the canyons. After working for elementary and disliking children, Lily decides to teach college. She teaches English.
  • Caffeine Avenue Coffee cart is opened

    Lily, with the help of myself, turned plumber, start up a coffee cart in Porter Ranch to much success