Benjamin Button is born
Benjamin Button was born on a windy September day in the Maryland Private Hospital for Ladies and Gentlemen. He gave the hospital a suprise born with his race condition. Benjamin, "a man of threescore and ten" was siat in a crib waiting for his father. In an intelligent and aggravated voice he whined, "This is a fine place to keep a youngster of quiet taste. With all this yelling and howling, I haven't been able to get a wink of sleep" (63). -
Benjamin Button goes to Kindergarten: age 5
When Benjamin was five years old, his father took him to Kindergarten. With the intelligent and advanced mind of a seventy-year-old, "he was inclined to drowse off to sleep [in class]" (68) -
Benjamin Button turns twelve: age 12
Benjamin celebrated his 12th birthday today. The determined boy who is appearing to look younger everyday, claims, "I am grown.... I want to put on trousers" (68). -
Benjamin Button goes to work: age 20
"In 1880 Bejmin Button was twenty years old, and he signalized his birthday by going to work for his father in Roger Button & Co., Wholesale Hardware" (70). -
Benjamin Button goes to a Social: age 20
As Benjamin Button grew younger, he began to get more social. Roger Button, his father, took him to his first formal where he found first love. The feeling: "A rigor passed over him, blood rose into his cheeks, his forehead, and there was a steady thumping in his ears" (72) -
Benjamin Button goes to War: age 38
In 1898 Benjamin Button decides to join the army during the Spanish- American War. He wants to find something to do with his life becuase, "[His] discontent waxed stonger" (75) -
Benjamin Button's an all-star at Hardvard: age 60
When Benjamin looks and feels like a twenty year old he enters himself a tHarvard University. "He was the most celebrated man in college," as a top foorball player frshman year. As the years passed, through college he grew slight and frail, becoming smaller daily. -
Benjamin Button goes to Harvard: age 50
When Benjamin Button feels and thinks like a twenty year old he enters himself at Harvard University. "He was the most celebrated man in college," leading the football team his freshman year. As he continued through college he became weaker and smaller every year. -
Benjamin Button has a Grandson: age 59
"In 1920 Roscoe Button's first child was born... However no one thought that the little grubby boy, apparently ten years of age who played who played around the house with lead soldiers and a miniature circus, was the new baby's grandfather" (81). -
Benjamin Button goes back to Kindergarten : age 65
At around five years of age, Benjamin Button went to Kindergarten for the second time with his grandson. The sixty-five year old man with a five-year-old's brain and body "found that playing with little strips of colored paper, making mats and chains and curious and beautiful designs, was the most fascinating game in the world" (82) -
Benjamin Button dies: age 70
With his rare condition, Benjamin Button died. phisically a baby. "[Everything] faded altogether from his mind" (83).