Period: Oct 6, 1552 to
The life of Mateo rICCI
May 2, 1561
First access to a Jesuit school
This is where Ricci leans the spirit and mind of Christianity and paves the way for becoming a missionary that would give tremenous influence to China -
Sep 2, 1573
Enters Jesuit college located in Rome
Mar 11, 1580
Lives in Cochin, India
This is where Mateo Ricci worked as a priest and teached many Indians some Christian beliefs. The experience was valuable for Ricci to adapt to the new atmostpher China as well in the future. -
Jun 10, 1582
Aug 7, 1582
Comes to Macao
Settles in Zhaoqing
Ricci settled with Michele Rugguleri, an Italian Jesuit Priest. -
Unauthorized copies of his world maps printed in Zhaoqing
I personally think that this is a very important thing for Ricci, since his world maps and writings are what triggered a shift in the minds of many traditional Chinese at that time. -
Expelled from Zhaoqing by hostile mandarins
Probably the main reason of him getting expelled is due to his consistent efforts to spread Christianity and texts that were not authorized by the Chinese government -
Begins draft translation of Chinese classical Four Books
Shaozhou residence attacked
After he was expelled, he settled in Shaozhou. Mateo Ricci was attacked. It shows that many mandarins were still hostile towards Westerners that were trying to expand their influence in China at that time. -
Jesuits change to Chinese literati dress
Jesuits must have felt the need to be more friendly and amicable towards the Chinese by in a way conforming to Chinese culture -
Settles in Nanjing
Named superior of China mission
Due to his noticeable work in expanding influence to China, his effort was acknowledged by officials in Italy. -
First trip to Peking; residence not permitted
Settles in Nanjing
Composes eight songs for emperor's court
This shows that the emperor at the time Wang Li, was fond of what Mateo Ricci was capable of. Mateo Ricci cleverly used such good impression to expand his influence in mainland China. -
Peking Residence permitted
After visiting Peking for the second time on January 24th, due to his contribution of composing eight songs to the emperor, Ricci can now stay and live in Peking -
Publishes revised version of world map
Publishes true meaing of the Lord of Heaven
This books shows Ricci's account of what God is in the Catholic belief. It helped the Chinese understand the Christian belief. -
Publishes translation of the first 6 books of Euclid's Elements of Geometry
Starts to write his Historia
First Marian sodarity founded in Peking
Mateo Ricci dies in Peking