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The Life of Maria d'Espirito Santo (de Braga) Pacheco Smith

  • Bell successfully tests the first telephone

  • Maria born

  • Maria residence

    Maria lives in Maia, Ribeira Grande, Sao Miguel Island, Azores
  • Maria baptized

    Maria is baptized at Divino Esperito Santo Church in Maia. Her Godparents are Jose Vierra and Maria Espirito Santo
  • Portuguese immigration to Hawaii begins

  • Maria leaves Sao Miguel Island

    Maria leaves the Azores with her parents and siblings
  • Maria arrives in Hawaii

    Maria arrives with her family in Honolulu, HI to be processed by the Portuguese Consulate. Her family will then be sent to work on a sugar plantation.
  • Period: to

    Maria's family sent to Kealia, Kauai, HI

    Maria's parents are contracted to work for the Kealia Sugar Plantation (note that the years are correct but the dates are estimates)
  • Maria moves to Kilauea

    Sometime around 1886 Maria moved to Kilauea with her parents. They worked on the Kilauea Sugar Plantation.
  • Queen Liliuokalani is deposed

  • Hawaii recognized as a protectorate of the USA

  • Republic of Hawaii established

  • Maria's Mother dies

    Sometime around 1895 Maria's Mother died leaving her father, Jozimas de Braga, in her care.
  • Maria is married

    Maria is married to Theodoro Pacheco at St. Sylvester's Church in Kilauea.
  • Period: to

    Maria and Theodoro live in Kilauea

    Maria and Theodoro live and work on the Kilauea Sugar Plantation
  • Maria's daughter, Maria, is born

  • Senate passes legislation and establishes Hawaii as a US territory

  • Maria's son, Willie, is born

  • Hawaiian Organic Act passed

    Hawaiian Organic Act is passed. This established when immigrants to Hawaii can gain citizenship. Those born in Hawaii prior to annexation are automatically granted US citizenship, though proving it would become difficult in later years when Social Security becomes available.
  • Maria's son, Theodoro, is born

  • Maria' daughter, Saraphina, is born

  • Maria's daughter, Saraphina, dies

    Saraphina dies after only 15 minutes of life.
  • San Francisco earthquake and fire

  • Maria and family escape Hawaii

    Maria's husband contracted leprosy around 1906. Instead of being deported to Molokai, the family was smuggled off of Kauai to Oakland, California.
  • Maria's son, Joao, is born

    Joao is born as the ship enters San Francisco Bay.
  • Period: to

    Maria lives in Oakland, CA

    Maria and family live on E. 25th Street, first on one side of the street and then on other from 1907 to 1914.
  • First woman registers to vote in California

    California grants women the right to vote in 1911.
  • Maria's son, Willie, dies

  • Maria's daughter, Maria, is married

    Maria is married to Anton Souza at St. Joseph's Church in Oakland, CA.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria assassinated

    The assassination plunges Europe into war.
  • Maria's husband dies

    Maria's husband, Theodoro, dies from the effects of leprosy.
  • Maria moves to Spreckels, CA

    Maria moves her family to Spreckels, CA to live near her brother, Jose de Braga.
  • Maria's first grandchild is born

    Maria's first grandchild, Theodore Souza, is born to her daughter, Maria. The joy is short lived as Theodore died 15 Jun 1915 of milk fever.
  • Maria's first grandchild, Theodore Souza, dies

    Theodore Souza dies just short of 3 months of age of milk fever.
  • US enters World War I

  • Period: to

    Flu epidemic spreads across the US

    Several of Maria's cousins contract the flu, some die from it.
  • Maria's son, Jose, is drafted

    Jose fills out his draft card and is drafted soon after.
  • Nineteenth Amendment is ratifed

    Women earn the right to vote in the USA.
  • Prohibition is enacted

    The sale of alcohol in the USA is prohibited. Portuguese families on E. 25th Street make their own alcohol and burn tires to mask the smell.
  • Armistice Day

    World War I ends. Jose Pacheco survives the war, but Maria's nephew, Theodore Pacheco of Hawaii, dies from the effects of gassing in France.
  • Maria's son, Jose, is married

    Jose is married to Minnie Ventura, ca 1921.
  • Maria's Father dies

    Maria's Father, Jozimas de Braga, dies.
  • Maria's son, Theodoro, marries

    Theodoro marries Angie Margie in Oakland, CA. Angie dies 3 years later from complications of pregnancy.
  • Maria's son, Theodoro, marries for the second time

    Theodore remarries after his wife's death to Madeline Pacheco, his cousin's daughter.
  • Maria's son, Joao, marries

    Joao marries Anna Jackson at St. Anthony's Church in Oakland, CA.
  • Stock Market Crash

  • Maria lives in Oakland, CA

    Sometime around 1930, Maria moved back to Oakland to live with her daughter, Maria (Pacheco) Souza, and her family. Maria is 54 and her health is declining.
  • Prohibition is repealed

  • Maria registers to vote

    Maria is mysteriously registered to vote in 1937 despite the fact that she is not a US Citizen and is in the country illegally.
  • Maria dies

    Maria dies in Oakland, CA, at the age of 61.
  • Maria buried

    Maria is buried at St. Mary's Cemetery in Oakland, CA along side her husband.
  • Maria's son, Jose, is born