The Siblings
Not actual date
A picture of Judy and her two siblings. Each sibling is 5 years apart. Barbra is the oldest with Judy being born 5 years after that. Her brother was born 5 years after her. -
Dates not accurate
Judy was born and raised in a Christian home. She went to a Methadist church. When her and Bill were traveling, they went to whatever church was on the base. After the tornado and she moved to Salina, she started attended First Covenant Church. -
Judy's Birthday
Judy Marshall was born in Dodge City. Her family lived in Greensburg, Kansas but Greensburg did not have a hospital at that time.. This is a picture of Judy and her father. -
Bill Marshall's mother and sisters
A photograph of Judy's mother in law and some other family members. Judy's mother was a stay at home mom like most. Her father was an attorney. -
Family time
Judy's family is very important to her. Christmas is her favorite holiday because it is whne she gets all her kids and grandkids together for the holiday. She loves celebrating the birth of her Savior. She loves the planning every years theme. -
Story between generations
Story from one generation to the next Not actual date
this story takes the course of several decades -
Family Picture
Not actual date Judy said she thought she was about 13 years old in this picture. Back then there was no such thing as kindergarten but she attended grade 1-12 in Greensburg, KS. There was no seperation of elementary school or high school. -
Graduation Class
Not actual date This is Judy's graduating class. She went to Greensburg through grade 1-12. She was involved in Student Council. -
College Pictures
Not actual date
Judy attended Kansas University for 4 semesters and K-State for 2 semesters. College was cut short after the proposal. During summers in high school Judy worked as a car hop.Then in college for a semester she worked in the cafeteria. After she got married she was a stay at home wife until she was 55 years old. She got a job at her friends store, Starla's Stitch N' Frame. -
The Proposal
Bill Marshall proposed to Judy while he was stationed in Hawaii. Judy was at the time in college at K-State University. She explained her relationship with Bill as a fairy tale relationship. He was her high school math teacher and once she left for college and he returned back to the military, they hung out a few times before he left for Hawaii. They both wrote letters to each other. -
The Wedding
Bill and Judy were married on this day. They were married in Greensburg, KS in the Methodist Church. Bill and Judy were the last couple to get married in that church before the rebuilt it. After the wedding they went pack to where Bill was stationed, Honolulu, Hawaii. She said she learned how to cook after she got married. -
Marshall's Households
Date of first house
One of Judy's hobbies is cross stitching. She made this picture of all her houses she had lived in. After they got married they moved to Honolulu, Hawaii where there first son Eric was born. Then St. Loius, MO is where Amy was born. Then they moved to Brunswick, Georgia and Cindy was born there. Then they moved to Greensburg, then Garden Gove, CA and Aaron was born. Then to Stuttgart, Germany to Virginia Beach and Angela was born. Back to California. Then Greensburg. -
Death of Aaron
Aaron Marshall passed away at the age of 4 years old. He had been ill since he was a baby and passed away while they were living in Virginia Beach, VA. -
Grand Caynon Story
Grand Canyon Story
Not actual date -
The Church cousins
"The Church cousins seated according to age, with their spouses standing behind them" is what the picture say on the back. Church is Judy's maiden name. -
Death of William Marshall
Bill died on Jan. 20, 2004 at Kiowa Country Memorial. He was 71 years old when he passed away. He had a master's defree in school administration. He serced in the U.S. Navy for 20 years and was a Lt. Commander when he retired in 1978. -
Judy traveled to 12 foreign countries along with all 50 states. Judy emjoys traveling with her family and friends. When her grandchildren turn between 16-18, she takes the few that are close to age and takes them on a nice trip. This was her favorite trip she took because of how beautiful and peaceful it was. -
Greensburg Tornado
Judy was in her house during the Greensburg Tornado. Her house was 4 story brick house. This image was actually taken from on top of her house. After the tornado that destroyed over 90% of the town she grew up in, she moved in with Munks in Salina for a few months before she found a house in Salina. She said that there was this moment at all 80 windows in his house broke at the same time. She had placed her Bible in the dryer to keep it dry during the storm. -
The Grandkids and Grammie
Judy has 13 grandchildren. Matthew (28) is the oldest. Joey (25). Katie (23). Anna (21). Alex (21). Abigail (20). Bridget (17). Cameron (15). Quinn (15). Danielle (14). Chloe (14). Caleb (12). Zoie (8). Matthew and Joey are living in and working in Texas. All the Marshalls are homeschooled. Romosers are in Indiana while the Munks are in Salina, KS. -
The interview day
Today Cameron interviewed Judy while Jody Apel interviewed Joanne Stuckey.