Jose Barrera was born..
Jose Diego Barrera was born in Los Angeles ,CA. the exact hospital is unknown but it was located in Inglewood ,CA. he was born on 10:08 PM , Although his mother had a C-section he was born a fairly Healthy baby. -
Jose moves from Los Angeles to Houston
On June 15 2009 jose took a plane from LA to Houston and lived in Houston for 3 years and moved back to LA only to move back in 2014 -
Jose Barrera was Sponsered by Anarchy Ranch and was tooken to skate contest in woodward. Also Jose Recived shirts ,Skateboards ,hats ,and stickers.
But in a year or so he dropped them as a sponser hoping to move onto something better. -
Jose's dog dies
in 2014 joses dog , Kobe died . He died from getting hit by a car , he was joses favorite dog. jose never found out who killed kobe -
Car Crash
Jose was riding passenger as his Girlfriend ,Marissa Zermeno was driving and as they were crossing Normandy they get hit from the lef side. They spun half a circle and got stopped by the curb.
everyone was fine, -
Jose Gets his first job at China Star Seafood
Jose gets a job at China Star Seafood and gets a position of cook.Also he worked there for a couple months. he bought a ipone with his first check. -
got arrested
on november 9th jose got pulled over for not using his left blinker and as he got searched they found something that ended him 3 days in jail -
Moveing out
jose wants to move out of his origanial home and get a small apartment aroud Fed or Jacinto City. -
get a Dodge Challenger
by 2017 Jose is planning on owning a grey challenger with 5% tint window ,alittle slammed , tuned and boosted ,white halo lights and wheel shields with sliver bowl rims. -
jose plans to travel all around the world . go to diffrenet country and states. First place jose wants to go is France and Germany
also another country jose wants to go to is Australlia, with his girlfriend ,Marissa