The Life of Jonathon Buwalda (2000-present)

  • Birth

    I was born.
  • Euro introduced

    Physical euro coins and banknotes enter circulation on this date.
  • Adopted two sisters

    Rebecca and Dustie, 13 and 6 at the time, moved in with us. It was made official a year later.
  • Pluto demoted to "dwarf planet" status

  • Apple announces the iPhone

  • 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan

  • Family mission trip to Costa Rica

    Visiting friends who work with Young Life Central America. It was the first of three trips to Costa Rica for me.
  • First birding trip

    Uncle Ron took me birdwatching, or "birding", for the first time, sparking a (thus far) lifelong passion.
  • Ebola outbreak

    Public Health Emergency of International Concern is declared on this date.
  • Timothy arrived

    Timothy (Timosha) comes from Belarus for heart surgery. He ends up staying for almost a year due to complications.
  • Cornerstone University

    Arrival day