The French and Indian war
John Adams Birthdate
When Abigail Adams was born
She was born in Weymouth, Massachusetts. -
When John Adams went to Harvard
John Adams was the first of his family to go to Harvard. -
When John Adams graduated from Harvard
John Adams spent 6 years in college. Unlike today were we only go 4 years. -
When John Adams got married
This is when John Adams married Abigal Smith. -
John Quincey Adams was born
This is when John Adams first son. -
When John Adams was elected as comissioner as France.
He was elected by congress. -
John Quincey Adams went to University of Leiden
John Quincey only went to college fo r 1 year. -
Treaty of Paris signed
When constitution was signed
When first term started for John Adams
This is when Adams first became president. -
The XYZ affair
Sedition Act
Alien Act
It was a series of acts passed by congress. -
When John Adams term ended
When slavery became illegal
Louisiana Purchase
Abigail Adams death
When John Quincey Adams became president
Death Date
When John Quincey Adams died
John Adams suffered a stroke while serving in the U.S House of Representitives. -
When the civil war started
When civil war ended