I was born
I was born on August 23 1997. -
The day my sister Rachel was born
The day my first sister Rachel was born -
This is the day when terrorists bombed the twin towers. -
When my brother kane was born
The day my first brother kane was born. -
Sister Emma's birthday
This day my second sister emma was born -
Sister Maria's birthday
This is the day my third sister Maria was born -
My first rifle
This is the day i got a 30-06 rifle for my birthday -
First shotgun
This is the day i got my first shotgun a mossberg 20 gauge -
First Pheasant
This is the day i shot my first pheasant -
First Antelope
This is the fisrt antelope i shot in Edgemont South Dakota -
First deer
The day when i shot my first deer. -
When my brother Jack was born
This is the day when my youngest brother was born -
Osam Binladin's death
This is the day Osama Binladin died -
FB playoffs
MCM vs Flandreau for football playoffs. MCM is going to kick their butts.