Jan 1, 1000
The birth of Jesus Matthew 1:18-25
God sent a angel to Joseph's dream telling him to not be afraid and marry Mary. Afterward a decree went out said that all the world should be registered. And Mary and Joseph need to go back to their home city to take the register, and the way back Jesus borned in a barn. because if he didn't born he is not going to save us. -
Mar 1, 1000
Jesus escaped from king Herod Matthew 3:1-12
After Jesus was born several wise man from east come to king Herod and ask him about the baby has been born king of Jews. he let them to look for him diligently, and tell him after they found. later they found the baby after the star, and offered gifts to Jesus. An angel went to Joseph's dream told him to carry his whole family to Egypt and he did. In order to kill Jesus he killed all the babies in Bethlehem that are under 2 years old. In order to show the hard life of Jesus. -
Oct 6, 1030
The Temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11)
Dec 5, 1030
John the Baptist Prepares the Way Matthew 2:1-23
John the Baptist came to preach in the wilderness of Judea with weird clothing. And tell people the prophets about the lord is coming (Jesus would start doing what he suppose to do soon). so that people would start to think about Jesus will come soon. -
Nov 9, 1031
The Parable of The Sower Matthew 13:1-9
Jesus sit on a boat and his disciples stands on the beach listening to his parable. Jesus started:" There's 4 different types conditions for seeds, when a sower sow seeds. Some of the seed fell along the path end up eaten by birds. Other fall on rocky ground finally blow away by breeze. Other fell on thorn. Those lucky ones fell on good soil. In order to let them knew the secret of heaven. -
Dec 7, 1031
Jesus Calls The First Disciples Matthew 4:18-22
Jesus was walking by the see and he saw two fishermen brothers, Simon and Andrew. And then he said to them:"Follow me." They did. Going from there they saw two other fishermen brothers, Jesus told them to follow him. They immediately dropped their net and followed him. This is the first time that he called a disciple which he will need them for the next 3 years. -
Feb 7, 1032
Jesus Calms A Storm Matthew 8:23-27
When Jesus's disciple followed him get on to a boat. When he was sleeping a big storm came and the disciple woke him and tell him about it, and he said:" Stop." and the storm was gone. telling us that Jesus's power can save us. -
Aug 7, 1032
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men Matthew 9:27-31
Two blind man followed Jesus and asking him to heal them. Jesus ask them :''Do you think that I'm able to do this?'' They nodded. Jesus punted his hand on their eye, then they were healed. Jesus told them not to tell anyone about this. But they spread the news all over their town. To show that Jesus has power to heal people and trust him we will be save. -
Dec 19, 1032
The parable of The Lost Sheep Matthew 18:10-14
A men has one hundred sheep. He lost one of the hundred for some reason. And he left the ninety-nine sheep on the mountain and went for the lost one. After he found it he felt the happiness more than ever. God will never leave any one of us, but realization of the lost one is even more important than those that are always with him. -
Jul 9, 1033
The crucifixion of Jesus Matthew 27:32-44
Judas is one of Jesus's disciple, he betrayed Jesus by telling those who want to kill him where he is, just to get some money. After he knew that they punish Jesus with thorn belt hit on his body. He went to see those who hate Jesus, and gave them money willing to get him out of the bad condition, but they refuse to even receive the money. Judas hanged himself after he knew Jesus died on the cross. Don't make those decision that you are going to regret about. -
Jul 12, 1033
The Resurrection of Jesus Matthew 28:1-10
After three days that Jesus was killed. An angel came down to the earth and moved the gravestone. Jesus came back to life. Then the angel told those women who come and looking for Jesus that he rise from the dead. To tell us that Jesus could be save by God and everybody else could either. -
Jul 12, 1033
On the Road to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35
After the resurrection of Jesus. He walk on the road of Emmaus and talk to two of his disciples. Later Jesus told them he is going far, and they insist on to let him stay in their house for that knight. When Jesus got in to the room and sit on the chair, they recognized him, and Jesus vanished immediately. These two disciples told a crowd of disciple about this afterward. To show the power of Jesus. -
Jul 13, 1033
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9-11
After Jesus came up from the death, he first appear to Mary Magdalene, who used to have seven demons in her body, but later was cast out of her body by Jesus. After she saw Jesus she told some of his disciples, but they couldn't believe it. Shown that Jesus concern about everybody that he loves each of us. -
Jul 14, 1033
Jesus Appears to His Disciples Luke 24:36-29
Jesus showed up around a crowd of his disciples. They were frightened when they saw him appear like a ghost. Jesus said to them:" Why are you frightening. Touch my hand, ghost doesn't have physical body." Then he ask them if they have some thing thing to eat. They give him a piece of fish, he ate it and continue saying:'' For all the things that has already happened, I already told you by prophet." Let people realize the importance of prophets. -
Aug 13, 1033
The Ascension Luke 24:50-53
While Jesus was blessing the people on earth, part of his body was rising up into heaven. And the people worship him and continually bless God in temples. To tell us Jesus is no longer on earth now. -
Purpose of This Book John 20:30-31
Jesus did many other things with his disciples that are not written in this book. But the reason those are written in this book is because so that people can believe Jesus is the Christ,he is the Son of God. To let us understand the purpose of this book.