The Life of Jesus

  • Birth of Jesus

    Birth of Jesus
    Just as God promised
  • Jesus’ presentation in the temple

    Jesus’ presentation in the temple
    When Anna and Simeon miraculously know that
    Jesus is the Messiah
  • Period: to


  • The wise men visit Jesus

    The wise men visit Jesus
    the wise men follow a miraculous star to Bethlehem
  • Jesus moves to egypt on the angels command

    Jesus moves to egypt on the angels command
    the angel comes to joseph in a dream and tell him to flee to egypt
  • Jesus moves back to Nazareth

    Jesus moves back to Nazareth
    an angel told them it was safe to return
  • Jesus’ first Passover

    Jesus’ first Passover
    in jerusalem Jesus wows the priests
  • Jesus is baptized

    Jesus is baptized
    God speaks from heaven
  • jesus resists satans temptations

    jesus resists satans temptations
    jesus doesnt eat for 40 days
  • Jesus tells Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman that he is the Savior

    Jesus tells Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman that he is the Savior
    this is the first time he tell people he is the savior
  • Jesus dies

    Jesus dies
    He died on a cross to save us from our sins
  • Jesus rises from the dead

    Jesus rises from the dead
    Jesus ressurectin just as he said
  • Jesus ascension

    Jesus ascension