The life of Jesus

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  • The Birth of Jesus

    The Birth of Jesus
    Jesus was born in a inn on the 25th of december. Which is Christmas Day. He is the son of Mary and the son of God.
  • The visit to the temple as a boy

    The visit to the temple as a boy
    According to the Gospels, at age 12 Jesus made a visit with his parents to Jerusalem during the feast of the Passover.
  • Jesus first Miracle

    Jesus first Miracle
    Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding.
  • Jesus was baptised

    Jesus was baptised
    Jesus must have been around 30 years old when he met a man called John the Baptist, who had started a religious movement preparing for the coming of the Messiah, or saviour. Jesus was baptized by John in the River Jordan.
  • Jesus feeds the 5000

    Jesus feeds the 5000
    Jesus feed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.
  • Chosing his 12 disciples

    Chosing his 12 disciples
    Jesus had chosen a little group of 12 disciples, or followers called apostles, to help him in his work. He began to give them special teaching and shared with them some of his own deepest religious experiences so that they could understand fully who he was.
  • Jesus heals a leper

    Jesus heals a leper
    Jesus heals a leper
  • The Mount of Olives

    The Mount of Olives
  • The last Supper

    The last Supper
    He gathered his 12 disciples together for a final meal, Known as the Last Supper, and explained to them that his death was necessary because it would establish a new covenant between God and man, and it would be the disciples' duty to spread Jesus' teachings after he had gone. He took bread and wine, blessed it and gave it to his disciples saying, "This is my body...this is my blood". Christians remember this when they celebrate Holy Communion.
  • The Death of Jesus

    The Death of Jesus
    Jesus died on a cross in Jerusalem.