The Life Of Jean Little

  • The Birth Of Jean Little

    The Birth Of Jean Little
    On January 2nd, 1932, Jean Little was born in Taiwan. Even though both her parents were Canadian. they were living in Taiwan becausethey where medical missionaries and where halping sick children in Taiwan.
  • The Move to Canada

    The Move to Canada
    In the year 1940 Jean Little moved to Guelph Ontario as a strong determand 8 year old that was ready to face the world. Unfortunatly they had arrived at the wrong time, the great depression had started in 1929 and was spreading like a wild fire across the worldand sure enough the littles became poor and could not send Jean to school util the depression ended and all the money was reavived and jobs became open and Jean finaly went to shool as a beautiful girl ready to overcome all challenges.
  • Blind.

    On a bright sunny day in Guelph Jeans mother said "oh jean, look at the beautiful sky," but Jean stared up but told her mother she couldent, at that moment Jeans mother realized the almost fog-like substance infront of her pupil, she reached over and waved her hand infront of Jeans face but she didn't even blink, and with that her parents knew that Jean Little was blind.
  • University ahead.

    University ahead.
    Jean tried her best at all her work, not letting the mere fact that she was blind stop her. She grew into a couragous girl who fought her way through life. Soon the school year ended and Jean had turned herself into an amazingly smart and well-loved girl in almost all of Guelph public school. It ws time for Guelph to go to university. Almost immedietly U of T called on her and asked her if they could have the hounor to let her start her life there and with lots of pleasure Jean excepted.
  • Finaly published

    Finaly published
    Jean had become an amazing and mind-blowing writer and was able to get her first book published in 1962 and it won the John Newberry award in the first 2 months it was out! from then on Jean did an exceptionel job in life and was able to win many awards.
  • The want to help.

    The want to help.
    Jean soon felt the need to help children with illnesess to overcome they're feeling that they are worse then normal children, she wanted to help them stay strong all they're life because they are worth it and they deserve it. That was the power of Jean.
  • Home.

    Soon enough Jean came home. She came home to the birds that would sing above her, she came home to her friends and family and then, finaly she could see, she could see through her heart.