Hedy Lamarr is Born
Hedy Lamarr was born on November 9, 1914 in Vienna, Austria. -
Hedy Lamarr Attends Drama School
Hedy Lamarr is enrolled and attends Drama school in Berlin at the age of 16. -
Hedy Lamarr goes to America
Hedy Lamarr divorces her husband at the time and moves to Hollywood where she becomes an actress. -
Hitler invades Austria
Hitler annexed Austria in the Anschluss. -
WW2 Begins
Hedy Lamarr invents a communication device
Hedy Lamarr along with her friend George Antheil invented a frequency hopping spread device. -
WW2 Ends
Period: to
The US Government begin's using Lamarrs Technology
WiFi is Invented
WiFi was created with Lamarr's invention as a basis for its design. -
Bluetooth Comes Out
Invented with Hedy Lamarrs design as a base. -
Hedy Lamarr Passes Away
Hedy Lamarr passes away in her Florida home.